Active modules

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Warning: Display title "Active modules" overrides earlier display title "<span style="display:none">Active modules</span>".

Active module
Active Modules are trigger Abilities/Skills that can be bought or sold and fitted into slots that are numbered One(1) through Four(4). Once modules are placed they can be used by pressing a number on the keyboard corresponding to the numbered location of the module.
The amount of Active Modules per ship depends on the Tech level of said ship. Current ships have no less than two and no more than four Active Module slots. Some modules may be used by all classes of ship while others are specific to certain roles.
Note that Module effects typically do not stack. So if two Command ships are within range of providing an Aegis buff to your ship, only the stronger Aegis effect will be applied.

Recon modules
ECM modules
Covert Ops modules
Gunship modules
Command modules
Tackler modules
Engineer modules
Guard modules
Modules for Long Range
SniperFastShot_Icon.png SniperOverload_Icon.png Flash_Icon.png Camouflage_Icon.png
Multipurpose modules
AdaptiveShieldBoost_Icon.png AdaptiveArmorBoost_Icon.png RepairDronesSmall_Icon.png RepairDronesMedium_Icon.png RepairDronesLarge_Icon.png ShieldRestoreSmall_Icon.png ShieldRestoreMedium_Icon.png ShieldRestoreLarge_Icon.png InfraredContermeasure_Icon.png
Ship modifiers Ships Additional devices