Crystal drone (for frigates)

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Crystal drone

Crystal drone

Type: Drone

Available ranks: 14 - 17.

Launches a drone.

It pursues and attacks the current target, deals 90% more damage

to aliens and 15% more damage to 'Ellydium' ships.

Cost: Manufacturing (10 pcs.)

10 Xenocrystals

Damage dealt
to small objects/interceptors/fighters/frigates/destroyers
14-17 ranks: 189 / 831.6 / 1260 / 1575 / 2205 dmg.

For ship type

Flight speed:
14-17 ranks: 300 m/s
Maneuvering speed: 160 deg./s.

Deals thermal damage
Flight range: 1000 m.
Recharge: 15 s.
Charges in cartridge: 2 pcs.
Cartridge reloading time: 120 s.
Durability: 3500 pts.
Active range: 7000 m.
Rate of fire: 60 rounds/min.
Projectile speed: 2000 m/s.
Weapon rotation speed: 320 deg./s.
Acceleration: 200 m/s2.

Weapons Missiles Special Modules Active Modules Ship Modifiers Munitions