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Корабль имеет сложную конструкцию и состоит из нескольких основных частей. Сумма характеристик этих частей составляет совокупность тактико-технических характеристик корабля.
[[File:SC 7b23.jpg|right]]
The ship has a complex structure and consists of several main parts. The sum of the characteristics of these parts is the totality of the tactical and technical characteristics of the ship (TTC). It is highly recommended to display "Full ship information" in order to display all the parameters of the ship in the game settings.

==Конструкция корабля==
='''Construction of the ship'''=
Корпус это основа корабля, на которую монтируются все остальные его составные части, модули и вооружение. Основными параметрами корпуса являются:
The hull is the basis of the ship, on which all the other components, modules and weapons are mounted. The main parameters of the hull are:
*Прочность. Выражается числом, характеризующим «запас жизни» корабля. При получении урона «запас жизни» снижается. Если прочность корпуса упала до 0, то корабль считается уничтоженным.
*Strength. It is expressed by the number characterizing the "life stock" of the ship. When you take damage, your life margin decreases. If the hull strength dropped to 0, then the ship is considered destroyed.
*[[Сопротивление урону]]. Способность корпуса уменьшать получаемый урон.
* [[Resistance]]. The ability of the hull to reduce damage taken.
*Скорость регенерации. Число, показывающее, на какую величину регенерирует корпус каждую секунду. Равна нулю, если не установлено [[Регенерирующее покрытие]].
* Regeneration. A number indicating how much the hull regenerates every second. Equal to zero, if not installed [[Regenerative Coating]] and other mechanics restoring the hull.

Щитом называется энергетический барьер, принимающий на себя урон от оружия. Оружие противника в первую очередь наносит урон щиту. Если "уровень заряда" щита равен 0, то урон наносится по корпусу. Щит способен сопротивляться урону. Уровень заряда щита способен автоматически восстанавливаться (регенерировать). Регенерация запускается спустя 5 секунд после последнего получения щитом урона. Основными параметрами щита являются:
The shield is called the energy barrier, which takes damage from weapons. The enemy’s weapons primarily cause damage to the shield (except for certain weapons and modules that ignore it). If the "charge level" of the shield is 0, then the damage is applied to the body. The shield is able to resist damage. The charge level of the shield is able to automatically recover (regenerate). Regeneration is constantly, but can slow down and accelerate under different influences.
*Максимальный заряд щита. Выражается числом, характеризующим "заряд щита".
The main parameters of the shield are:
*[[Сопротивление урону]]. Способность щита уменьшать получаемый урон.
* Maximum charge of shield. It is expressed by a number characterizing the "charge of the shield."
*Скорость регенерации. Число, показывающее, на какую величину регенерирует щит каждую секунду.
* [[Resistance]]. Shield's ability to reduce damage taken.
* Regeneration. A number indicating how much the shield regenerates every second.

Двигатель — это комплексная система, которая позволяет кораблю передвигаться в пространстве и маневрировать. Двигатель в свою очередь делится на несколько частей:
The engine is a complex system that allows the ship to move in space and maneuver. The engine, in turn, is divided into several parts:
*Маршевый двигатель. Используется при обычном движении.
* Marching engine. Used in normal motion. Defines the parameters "speed", "reverse speed", "acceleration".
*Форсажный ускоритель. Используется при движении на форсаже. При движении на форсаже потребляется энергия.
* Afterburner engine. Used when driving on afterburner - determines the parameters "afterburner", "afterburning reverse speed" (not displayed) and "afterburning acceleration" (not displayed). When driving in the afterburner, the energy-parameter "afterburner energy use" is consumed. Ideally, it should be less than the rate of energy regeneration.
*Маневровые двигатели. Используются для поперечного смещения корабля (стрейфа).
* Shunting engines. Used for lateral displacement of the ship-determine the parameters "strafe" and "acceleration of strafe" (not displayed).
*Поворотные двигатели. Используются для поворота корабля.
* Rotary engines. Used to rotate the ship-determine the parameters "roll" (turn around the axis) and "pitch / roar" (turn nose up-down / left-right).

Конденсатор предназначен для хранения энергии. Которая впоследствии может быть израсходована на нужды корабля. Конденсатор имеет две основные характеристики:
The capacitor is designed to store energy, which can later be spent on the needs of the ship. The capacitor has two main characteristics:
*[[Скорость восстановления энергии]].
* [[Energy regeneration]].

Компьютер корабля отвечает за поиск и сопровождение целей — кораблей противника, дронов и других объектов. Компьютер имеет следующие основные характеристики:
The ship's computer is responsible for finding and tracking targets - enemy ships, drones and other objects. The computer has the following main characteristics:
*Дальность действия радара. Это максимальное расстояние прямой видимости, на котором вы сможете опознать корабли, дроны и {{Tooltip|стационарные объекты|Автономные зарядные/ремонтные станции, ускоряющие врата, ЭМ-бомбы}} противника без стороннего засвета.
* Sensor range. This is the maximum line-of-sight distance at which you can identify ships, drones and {{Tooltip|stationary objects|Autonomous charging/repair stations,warp gates, enemy's EM-bombs}} without external illumination.
*Время захвата цели. Захват цели нужен для наведения на нее самонаводящихся ракет, дронов, некоторых негативных эффектов, для отображения маркера упреждения при стрельбе.
* Target lock time. Capturing the target is needed to guide it to homing missiles, drones, some negative effects, to display a warning marker when firing.

==Классы кораблей==
='''Ship classes'''=
''Основная статья: '''[[Корабли]]''' ''
''Main article: '''[[Ships]]''' ''

Класс корабля определяет размеры корабля, его скорость и маневренность, количество слотов для модулей и оружия.
The class of the ship determines the size of the ship, its speed and maneuverability, the number of slots for modules and weapons.
В игре представлены следующие классы кораблей:
The game features the following classes of ships:
*[[Перехватчик]]. Легкий корабль, предназначенный для разведки и контроля пространства. Вооружен двумя орудийными системами.
* [[Interceptor]]. Light ship, designed for reconnaissance and control of space. Armed with two weapons.
*[[Штурмовик]]. Средний корабль, предназначенный для завоевания господства в пространстве. Вооружен четырьмя орудийными системами.
* [[Fighter]]. Medium ship, designed to gain dominance in space. Armed with four weapons.
*[[Фрегат]]. Тяжелый корабль, предназначенный для огневой и технической поддержки. Вооружен четырьмя или шестью орудийными системами.
*[[Frigate]]. Heavy ship designed for fire and technical support. Armed with four or six weapons ([[Object NY18]] - 8, but shoots a maximum of 4).
*[[Destroyer]]. Heavy ship fire support. It has high firepower. Can use additional energy shields and special weapon modules.

==Технологические уровни и ранги кораблей==
==Tech levels (old) and ship ranks==
Все корабли в игре разбиты на ранги. Ранг определяет относительную силу корабля. По мере игры игрок получает в качестве награды за бой репутацию. При достижении определенного уровня репутации игрок получает следующий ранг и доступ к кораблям этого ранга.
All ships in the game are divided into ranks. The rank determines the relative strength of the ship. As you play, the player gets a reputation as a reward for the fight. When a certain reputation level is reached, a player gets the next rank and access to the ships of that rank.
Ранги сгруппированы по тройкам. Три ранга составляют один технологический уровень — тир. Корабли разных рангов в пределах одного тира имеют довольно близкие показатели ТТХ. Разница в ТТХ кораблей двух разных тиров гораздо более существенна.

==Роли кораблей==
Ranks were previously grouped in threes. Three ranks were one technological level - tech - T (except T5: ranks 13-17). Ships of different ranks within the same tech have fairly close performance data. The difference in the performance characteristics of the ships of two different techs is much more significant. Until now, the [[The Alien Destroyer|special operation]] is divided into 3 techs.
''Основная статья: '''[[Роль корабля]]''' ''

Система ролей призвана не только облегчить игрокам игру в любимом ими стиле, но и облегчить им выбор корабля, наилучшим образом подходящего именно им. С каждой ролью связан определенный набор уникальных ролевых модулей и оружия, поддержанный специально подобранными параметрами корабля.
==[[Ship role]]s==

==Экипировка корабля==
The role system is designed not only to make it easier for players to play the game in their favorite style, but also to make it easier for them to choose the ship that best suits them. Each role is associated with a specific set of unique role-playing modules and weapons, supported by specially selected parameters of the ship.
''Основная статья: '''[[Экипировка корабля]]''' ''

Каждый [[Корабли|корабль]] имеет определенное количество слотов разных типов для установки [[Модули|модулей]] и [[Орудия|вооружения]].  Совокупность установленного на корабль вооружения и модулей называется '''[[Экипировка корабля|снаряжением корабля]]'''. Процесс установки их на корабль называется '''экипировкой'''.
='''Ship equipment'''=
An important stage in preparing a ship for departure is its equipping with weapons and modules. When you buy a new ship, you get a pre-set with it, which includes weapons, modifiers, active and passive modules, as well as missiles and / or mines.

===Основное вооружение===
Each element of the ship's equipment is installed in a special slot suitable for this type of equipment. The number of slots available on a particular ship is determined by its rank.
''Основная статья: '''[[Орудия]]''' ''
The characteristics of any equipment item are determined by:
* Available ranks. It is denoted as [Module Name] [digit of max. available rank]. Only modules of the corresponding ranks can be installed on the ship. The display of all available ranks for the equipment can be turned on and off in the settings (Game / Module availability display ).
* Version. It is denoted as {{Mk.1}} .. {{Mk.5}}.

Основным вооружением корабля являются орудия. Орудия устанавливаются во вращающиеся башни, которые крепятся к корпусу корабля.  
==[[Weapons|Main weapons]]==
:The main armament of the ship are weapons. The weapons are mounted in rotating towers that are attached to the hull of the ship. On the ship can be installed from 2 to 12 weapons. The number of weapons on the ship depends on its class and role.

''Основная статья: '''[[Боекомплекты]]''' ''
:Ammunition can improve any characteristics of the weapon, sometimes weakening the other.

Боеприпасы позволяют улучшить какую-либо характеристику орудия.
==[[Missiles|Missile weapon]]==
:Rocket slot - additional weapons of the ship. Self-guided missiles, unguided missiles, combat drones, mines, bombs and stationary destroyer fields can be put there. The rocket is activated by default with the right mouse button. Some rockets require a target lock.

===Ракетное вооружение===
==[[Active module]]s==
''Основная статья: '''[[Ракеты]]''' ''
: Active modules are such modules that the player must activate manually.
: Active modules are divided into two major parts: role-playing and universal. Role modules are divided into groups corresponding to the roles of ships, and are designed to be installed on ships of the corresponding role.
: Universal modules are suitable for all ships (except destroyers, they have their own).
: According to the activation method, the modules are divided into {{Tooltip | automatic | after switching on for an unlimited time, constantly consuming energy - for example, a massive generator of shields and a cloud of nano-drones of the engineer, target painter of tackler}}, {{Tooltip | semi-automatic | after switching on once consume energy, activated for some time, recharging begins after they are turned off - for example, a gurd's pulsar, a scout shield absorber}} and {{Tooltip | instantaneous | immediately after activation, consume power once, start work and reloading - for example, universal repair kit and shield booster, covert ops plasma arc}}

Ракетное оружие это дополнительное вооружение корабля.  
==[[Special module]]s==
: The main difference between a special role module and an active module is that a special module is rigidly attached to the ship and cannot be dismantled or replaced (some unique modules have 2 special modules, and most craft ships can be selected by re-equipment). Role modules are divided into three types:
* Improving the parameters of your ship (and allies);
* deterioration of the parameters of enemy ships;
* special weapon.

===Боевые модули===
==[[Ship modifiers]]==
''Основная статья: '''[[Боевые модули]]''' ''
: Modifiers of the ship are passive modules designed to improve one of the main systems of the ship: the hull, shield, capacitor, computer or engine. Ship modifiers are installed in special slots.

Боевыми модулями называются такие модули, которые игрок должен активировать вручную в выбранный им момент времени.  
='''Ship repairing'''=
In battle, your ship may be shot down (destroyed). In this case, he receives a certain amount of damage. If the damage level exceeds a certain level, then you will not be able to take this ship into battle.
Between battles, while in hangar, you can repair your ships. To do this, you need to click the [Repair] button. The cost of repairing the ship is displayed directly on the button.
You can enable the auto repair option. To do this, you need to check the box below the [Repair] button. In this case, the ship will be automatically repaired immediately after returning from combat.

===Специальные ролевые модули===
= '''Ammo refilling'''<ref> Under the ammunition are understood as "Missiles" and "Munitions" </ref> =
''Основная статья: '''[[Ролевые модули]]''' ''
The ship returns from combat with used ammunition<ref>Provided that the ship was flown into combat and the ammunition was used at least once </ref>.
To refill the ammunition, you need to go to the shipyard and click the [Ammo refill] button.
Similar to repairing a ship, you can set up automatic ship refilling of amunition.

Основным отличием специального ролевого модуля от боевого является то, что специальный модуль жестко закреплен за кораблем и не может быть демонтирован или заменен.

===Модификаторы корабля===
''Основная статья: '''[[Модификаторы корабля]]''' ''
Модификаторами корабля называются модули, предназначенные для улучшения одной из основных систем корабля.

==Ремонт кораблей==
В бою ваш корабль может быть сбит (уничтожен). В этом случае он получает некоторое количество глобальных повреждений. Если уровень повреждений превысит определенный уровень, то вы не сможете взять этот корабль в бой.
Между боями, находясь в Ангаре, вы можете ремонтировать свои корабли. Для этого вам необходимо нажать кнопку [Отремонтировать]. Стоимость ремонта корабля отображается непосредственно на кнопке.
Вы можете включить опцию автоматического ремонта. Для этого вам надо установить галочку, расположенную ниже кнопки [Отремонтировать]. В этом случае корабль будет автоматически отремонтирован сразу после возвращения из боя.
==Пополнение боекомплектов<ref>Под боекомплектами понимаются как "Ракеты" так и  "Боеприпасы"</ref>==
Из боя корабль возвращается с израсходованными боеприпасами<ref>При условии, что на этом корабле был осуществлен вылет в бой и боекомплект был использован хотя бы один раз</ref>.
Для пополнения боекомплекта надо зайти в Верфь и нажать кнопку [Пополнить боезапас].
Аналогично ремонту корабля, вы можете настроить автоматическое пополнение корабля боеприпасами.

Revision as of 14:55, 27 March 2019

The ship has a complex structure and consists of several main parts. The sum of the characteristics of these parts is the totality of the tactical and technical characteristics of the ship (TTC). It is highly recommended to display "Full ship information" in order to display all the parameters of the ship in the game settings.

Construction of the ship


The hull is the basis of the ship, on which all the other components, modules and weapons are mounted. The main parameters of the hull are:

  • Strength. It is expressed by the number characterizing the "life stock" of the ship. When you take damage, your life margin decreases. If the hull strength dropped to 0, then the ship is considered destroyed.
  • Resistance. The ability of the hull to reduce damage taken.
  • Regeneration. A number indicating how much the hull regenerates every second. Equal to zero, if not installed Regenerative Coating and other mechanics restoring the hull.


The shield is called the energy barrier, which takes damage from weapons. The enemy’s weapons primarily cause damage to the shield (except for certain weapons and modules that ignore it). If the "charge level" of the shield is 0, then the damage is applied to the body. The shield is able to resist damage. The charge level of the shield is able to automatically recover (regenerate). Regeneration is constantly, but can slow down and accelerate under different influences. The main parameters of the shield are:

  • Maximum charge of shield. It is expressed by a number characterizing the "charge of the shield."
  • Resistance. Shield's ability to reduce damage taken.
  • Regeneration. A number indicating how much the shield regenerates every second.


The engine is a complex system that allows the ship to move in space and maneuver. The engine, in turn, is divided into several parts:

  • Marching engine. Used in normal motion. Defines the parameters "speed", "reverse speed", "acceleration".
  • Afterburner engine. Used when driving on afterburner - determines the parameters "afterburner", "afterburning reverse speed" (not displayed) and "afterburning acceleration" (not displayed). When driving in the afterburner, the energy-parameter "afterburner energy use" is consumed. Ideally, it should be less than the rate of energy regeneration.
  • Shunting engines. Used for lateral displacement of the ship-determine the parameters "strafe" and "acceleration of strafe" (not displayed).
  • Rotary engines. Used to rotate the ship-determine the parameters "roll" (turn around the axis) and "pitch / roar" (turn nose up-down / left-right).


The capacitor is designed to store energy, which can later be spent on the needs of the ship. The capacitor has two main characteristics:


The ship's computer is responsible for finding and tracking targets - enemy ships, drones and other objects. The computer has the following main characteristics:

  • Sensor range. This is the maximum line-of-sight distance at which you can identify ships, drones and stationary objects without external illumination.
  • Target lock time. Capturing the target is needed to guide it to homing missiles, drones, some negative effects, to display a warning marker when firing.

Ship classes

Main article: Ships

The class of the ship determines the size of the ship, its speed and maneuverability, the number of slots for modules and weapons. The game features the following classes of ships:

  • Interceptor. Light ship, designed for reconnaissance and control of space. Armed with two weapons.
  • Fighter. Medium ship, designed to gain dominance in space. Armed with four weapons.
  • Frigate. Heavy ship designed for fire and technical support. Armed with four or six weapons (Object NY18 - 8, but shoots a maximum of 4).
  • Destroyer. Heavy ship fire support. It has high firepower. Can use additional energy shields and special weapon modules.

Tech levels (old) and ship ranks

All ships in the game are divided into ranks. The rank determines the relative strength of the ship. As you play, the player gets a reputation as a reward for the fight. When a certain reputation level is reached, a player gets the next rank and access to the ships of that rank.

Ranks were previously grouped in threes. Three ranks were one technological level - tech - T (except T5: ranks 13-17). Ships of different ranks within the same tech have fairly close performance data. The difference in the performance characteristics of the ships of two different techs is much more significant. Until now, the special operation is divided into 3 techs.

Ship roles

The role system is designed not only to make it easier for players to play the game in their favorite style, but also to make it easier for them to choose the ship that best suits them. Each role is associated with a specific set of unique role-playing modules and weapons, supported by specially selected parameters of the ship.

Ship equipment

An important stage in preparing a ship for departure is its equipping with weapons and modules. When you buy a new ship, you get a pre-set with it, which includes weapons, modifiers, active and passive modules, as well as missiles and / or mines.

Each element of the ship's equipment is installed in a special slot suitable for this type of equipment. The number of slots available on a particular ship is determined by its rank. The characteristics of any equipment item are determined by:

  • Available ranks. It is denoted as [Module Name] [digit of max. available rank]. Only modules of the corresponding ranks can be installed on the ship. The display of all available ranks for the equipment can be turned on and off in the settings (Game / Module availability display ).
  • Version. It is denoted as Mk.1 .. Mk.5.

Main weapons

The main armament of the ship are weapons. The weapons are mounted in rotating towers that are attached to the hull of the ship. On the ship can be installed from 2 to 12 weapons. The number of weapons on the ship depends on its class and role.


Ammunition can improve any characteristics of the weapon, sometimes weakening the other.

Missile weapon

Rocket slot - additional weapons of the ship. Self-guided missiles, unguided missiles, combat drones, mines, bombs and stationary destroyer fields can be put there. The rocket is activated by default with the right mouse button. Some rockets require a target lock.

Active modules

Active modules are such modules that the player must activate manually.
Active modules are divided into two major parts: role-playing and universal. Role modules are divided into groups corresponding to the roles of ships, and are designed to be installed on ships of the corresponding role.
Universal modules are suitable for all ships (except destroyers, they have their own).
According to the activation method, the modules are divided into automatic, semi-automatic and instantaneous

Special modules

The main difference between a special role module and an active module is that a special module is rigidly attached to the ship and cannot be dismantled or replaced (some unique modules have 2 special modules, and most craft ships can be selected by re-equipment). Role modules are divided into three types:
  • Improving the parameters of your ship (and allies);
  • deterioration of the parameters of enemy ships;
  • special weapon.

Ship modifiers

Modifiers of the ship are passive modules designed to improve one of the main systems of the ship: the hull, shield, capacitor, computer or engine. Ship modifiers are installed in special slots.

Ship repairing

In battle, your ship may be shot down (destroyed). In this case, he receives a certain amount of damage. If the damage level exceeds a certain level, then you will not be able to take this ship into battle. Between battles, while in hangar, you can repair your ships. To do this, you need to click the [Repair] button. The cost of repairing the ship is displayed directly on the button. You can enable the auto repair option. To do this, you need to check the box below the [Repair] button. In this case, the ship will be automatically repaired immediately after returning from combat.

Ammo refilling[1]

The ship returns from combat with used ammunition[2]. To refill the ammunition, you need to go to the shipyard and click the [Ammo refill] button. Similar to repairing a ship, you can set up automatic ship refilling of amunition.


  1. Under the ammunition are understood as "Missiles" and "Munitions"
  2. Provided that the ship was flown into combat and the ammunition was used at least once