PvP Arena: Difference between revisions

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!Remove the enemys control points
!Deplete all of the enemy control points
*3 neutral beacons are located between both spawn points<ref>Neutral beacons do not influence the control points of any team</ref>
*3 neutral beacons are located between both spawn points<ref>Neutral beacons do not influence the control points of any team</ref>
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*Unlimted respawn
*Unlimted respawn
*The team that first decreases the other teams points to 0 wins
*Deplete all of the enemy control points
*If the time runs up, the team with highest amount of points wins
*If the time runs up, the team with highest amount of points wins

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![[Beacon Hunt]]
![[Beacon Hunt]]
!Обнулить очки контроля у команды противника
!Deplete all of the enemy control points
*Всего на карте 3 маяка
*The map has three neutral beacons in three different locations of the map
*В любой момент времени активен<ref>Неактивный маяк нельзя увидеть на радаре и захватить, а так же он не убавляет очки контроля команде противника</ref> только один маяк
*There always is only one beacon active at the same time<ref>Неактивный маяк нельзя увидеть на радаре и захватить, а так же он не убавляет очки контроля команде противника</ref>
*В начале игры каждая команда имеет по 175 очков контроля
*Each team has 175 control points at the start of the battle
*Свой маяк уменьшает количество очков контроля у команды противника
*You have to capture the neutral/hostile beacons
*Перед активацией маяк обозначает свое местонахождение
*The beacons activate in intervals of ~80 seconds
*После активации маяк нейтрален
*Each captured beacon drains the enemy control points
*Чужие и нейтральные маяки можно захватывать, делая их своими
*You can repair allied beacons
*Своим маякам можно восстанавливать очки захвата
*Destroying enemy ships speeds up the depletion of enemy points
*После гибели корабль можно использовать снова
*You can re-use your destroyed ships
*Нельзя выйти в бой, пока активный маяк находится под контролем своей команды
*You cannot respawn while your team controls the active beacon
*У противника закончились очки контроля
*Deplete all of the enemy control points
*По истечению времени игры у противника меньше очков контроля
*If the time runs out, the team with more control points left wins

Revision as of 17:06, 2 June 2014

As this name indicates[1], this game mode is about players fighting each other.

General principles

  • In each battle there are two teams
  • Bots can be put on both teams in a battle.
  • There cannot be a battle with only bots

Skirmish game modes

Each game mode has a set of conditions and rules.

Skirmish game modes
Mode Task Game mode conditions Victory Conditions[2]
Capture the beacons Capture all enemy beacons
  • Each team has 3 beacons on their side
  • Each beacon is protected by 4 guard drones
  • A beacon can only be captured when all 4 guard drones are destroyed
  • As long as a beacon has more than 0 points, it can be restored to 100. If a beacon is on 0 points, it cannot be restored anymore.
  • Limited respawn. Once the ship is destroyed, you cannot use it again in this battle
  • Capture all enemy beacons or destroy all enemy ships
  • If the time runs out, the team with most beacons captured wins
  • If both teams have the same amount of beacons remaining, the team with more kills wins the battle
Domination Deplete all of the enemy control points
  • 3 neutral beacons are located between both spawn points[3]
  • Both teams start with 750 control points
  • In order to decrease the points of the enemy team, you need to capture neutral or enemy beacons and hold them. Destroying enemy ships also decreases the enemys points
  • If your team holds a beacon for a certain time, it will spawn guard drones. Max. 4 per beacon
  • A beacon can only be captured when all 4 guard drones are destroyed
  • The more beacons your team holds, the faster the enemy control points decrease
  • Each destroyed ship reduces the amount of points from the enemy team by 10
  • Unlimted respawn
  • Deplete all of the enemy control points
  • If the time runs up, the team with highest amount of points wins
Combat Recon Destroy the enemy captain and all other players afterwards
  • From each team a captain will be selected randomly
  • The captain gets a temporary damage boost for the battle
  • Both captains can see all ships. They can also see ships hiding behind obstacles, ships being invisible and ships being out of radar range. Once the enemy captain gets killed, your whole team will see all enemy ships on these conditions
  • Unlimted respawn until your team captain dies. When your captain dies, you will be able to fly the current ship until it gets destroyed. Afterwards you won't respawn anymore in the battle
  • The team that first kills the enemy captain and all remaining players afterwards.
  • If the time runs out, the team that killed the enemy captain, wins. If both captains are dead or both alive, the team with most kills wins
Beacon Hunt Deplete all of the enemy control points
  • The map has three neutral beacons in three different locations of the map
  • There always is only one beacon active at the same time[4]
  • Each team has 175 control points at the start of the battle
  • You have to capture the neutral/hostile beacons
  • The beacons activate in intervals of ~80 seconds
  • Each captured beacon drains the enemy control points
  • You can repair allied beacons
  • Destroying enemy ships speeds up the depletion of enemy points
  • You can re-use your destroyed ships
  • You cannot respawn while your team controls the active beacon
  • Deplete all of the enemy control points
  • If the time runs out, the team with more control points left wins
Детонация Уничтожить все станции наведения противника
  • Каждая команда имеет по 3 станции наведения
  • Станцию наведения можно уничтожить только специальной ЭМ-бомбой
  • Бомба появляется в центре карты
  • В любой момент времени на карте на может быть более 2-х бомб
  • Чтобы подобрать бомбу, к ней надо подлететь
  • Корабль, несущий бомбу, не может двигаться с полной скоростью и использовать форсаж
  • Чтобы взорвать станцию необходимо принести и установить бомбу
  • После гибели корабль можно использовать снова
  • Все станции противника уничтожены
  • По истечению времени противник имеет меньше неповрежденных станций


В зависимости от ранга корабля ему могут быть доступны не все режимы боя. Ротация режимов боя, доступных конкретному рангу, осуществляется через неравные промежутки времени случайным образом.

  1. PvP - Short term for player versus player
  2. In order to win, you only need to fulfill one
  3. Neutral beacons do not influence the control points of any team
  4. Неактивный маяк нельзя увидеть на радаре и захватить, а так же он не убавляет очки контроля команде противника
Битва за сектор Свой бой Миссии (PvE) Карта