Active module

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Active modules are such modules that the player must activate manually at his chosen point in time. After activation, the module works for some time. Switching off a module can occur manually or automatically, it depends on the mechanics of a particular module.
Active modules consume energy for their work. With a lack of energy, both blocking the active module and its premature shutdown are possible.
The active modules are divided into two parts: the role and the multipurpose ones. Role modules are divided into groups corresponding to the roles of ships, and are designed to be installed on ships of the corresponding role. Multipurpose modules are designed to survive in battle and can be installed on any ship, regardless of its class or role, with the exception of destroyers.
Common modules are available for installation on all ships of a suitable role.
Modules being unique and for premium ships of the same role can only be installed on certain ships purchased for , and on all premium ships same role of a suitable rank.
Unique modules can only be installed on the ship which they were created for.
Modules by 'Ellydium' technologies can be installed on ships of this faction, and some - on basic ships of suitable role.
Destroyer active modules can be damaged, but they regenerate their durability over time (recovery rate = module durability / recovery time on destruction). If they are destroyed, they will deal hull damage (parameter damage on destruction) and stop working until they are fully restored. Destroyer active modules inherit resistances from the destroyer's hull. They are also small objects, meaning that only 15% of explosive damage is dealt for them. Destroyer active modules have a speed of rotation. If you change camera direction abruptly, it may take ~1.5 s. for the modules to turn. Destroyer active modules cannot be used in a hemisphere other than their own. For example, if a pyro-emitter is mounted on top of the hull, it will not work in the lower hemisphere.
The colour of the active module icon indicates its type of impact: red means that the module deals thermal damage, yellow - kinetic, blue - EM damage, purple - other negative effects, green - effect on the hull, blue - on the shield, orange - on the weapons, gray - other effects (acceleration, invulnerability, etc.).
The colour of the bar at the bottom of the module icon (in Atlas - the frame around the module and the number) indicates its level: from Mk.1 (white) to Mk.5 (orange).

Types of modules

Multipurpose modules

- for small ships

- for destroyers

- Ellydium

Recon modules

- common

'Ghost' camo system 6 Trampoline 8 - unique and for premium ships of the same role

'Ghost' camo system 17 Trampoline 17 - unique

- Ellydium

ECM modules

- common

- unique and for premium ships of the same role

- unique

Covert Ops modules

- common

- unique and for premium ships of the same role

- unique

Gunship modules

- common

Thermal repulsor 8 - unique and for premium ships of the same role

Thermal repulsor 17 - unique

- Ellydium

Command modules

- common

Reserve energy circuits 7 - unique and for premium ships of the same role

Reserve energy circuits 12 - unique

- Ellydium

Tackler modules

- common

'Stretto' gun system 13 - unique and for premium ships of the same role

'Stretto' gun system 17 - unique

Engineering modules

- common

- unique and for premium ships of the same role

- unique

- Ellydium

Guard modules

- common

- unique and for premium ships of the same role

- unique

Long Range modules

- common

- unique and for premium ships of the same role

- unique

Suppressor modules

- common

- unique

- Ellydium