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As the name suggests[1], this class involves combat pilots battle against bots[2], Under the artificial intelligence.

Characteristic features

Team Size

A team of 4 pilots[3]. Each pilot can slot up to 4 ships but only take one ship into battle per stage.


Each mission is broken into several[4] phases. After each stage all ships are repaired as "New" and restocked with ammo. Stages can offer ' special conditions '. For example, constant restoration of a shields to all ships and/or hull repair.

Recovering a downed ally

PvE is a mode that does not offer an auto-respawn upon destruction of a ship unless the current stage objective is complete and another stage is about to begin. If your ally's ship is destroyed, you can recover it. For this purpose it is necessary to fly up to the wreck of his ship and purchase a duplicator with GS[5], or by using a duplicator from your inventory. If you are destroyed, you can recover your ship by purchasing a duplicator with GS or by using a duplicator from your inventory. Keep in mind that once all the individual player's ships picked for a certain stage are destroyed, the mission will end up a failure.

Mission List

Mission Task Acceptable Rank Ship
Processing Rig Raid the mining station, pillage it and escort your loot to the warp gate 4 - 6
Blackwood «Blackwood Shipyard» Отразить нападение врага на верфь со строящимся на ней дредноутом 1 - 15
Захваченный дредноут Сорвать ремонт поврежденного дредноута противника 4 - 15
Операция «Алая мгла» Совершить налет на секретную станцию Иерихона 4 - 15
Пиратский комплекс Совершить налет на пиратскую базу 10 - 15
Налет на секретную верфь Сорвать строительство дредноута противника 4 - 15
File:PvE Name.png PvE_Name Goal X-XX
File:PvE Name.png PvE_Name Goal X-XX
File:PvE Name.png PvE_Name Goal X-XX
File:PvE Name.png PvE_Name Goal X-XX
File:PvE Name.png PvE_Name Goal X-XX
File:PvE Name.png PvE_Name Goal X-XX
File:PvE Name.png PvE_Name Goal X-XX
File:PvE Name.png PvE_Name Goal X-XX

  1. PvE - That means 'player against environment'
  2. Ships, turrets, and other obstacles in the environment.
  3. В Number of pilots to complete the battle may differ.
  4. Usually the mission is divided into 3 phases
  5. Galactic Standards - Currency purchased in game