Remote disintegrator

Type: Special module
For ship: Project 1011
- Launches a carrier vehicle with a drone armed with a disintegrator. The drone is automatically activated and controlled by the pilot.
- Pressing the activation key again allows you to switch control between the drone and the ship.
- Each shot of the disintegrator deals additional thermal damage: 1500 pts. to frigates and 25000 pts. to destroyers.
- The drone is self-destructed if the host ship flies further than 2850 m. away from it. Destroying the drones will unmask the host ship's position.
- The drone can be destroyed by holding the special module button.
- Damage (thermal): 12900 dmg.
- Rate of fire: 18 rounds/min
- Projectile speed: 9500 m/s
- Firing range (max.): 12000 m.
- Vehicle: speed: 4800 m/s
- Vehicle: flight range: 2600 m.
- Drone: durability: 5000 pts.
- Drone: max. range to host: 2850 m.
- Drone: radar range: 5000 m.
- Energy consumption: 185 en.
- Recharge: 20 s.