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As this name indicates<ref>PvP - Short term for player versus player</ref>, this game mode is about players fighting each other.
PvP - Player versus Player, all players are always split in 2 teams and engage in combat according to the rules of 6 different game modes in 24 locations. Matches are created dynamically and could start as 3v3 and grow within 3 minutes to up to 10 vs 10 players. As a reward for participation player will obtain synergy, loyalty and credits (winning yields more), and winning team gets to loot the sectors, where various crafting materials, credits, iridium or premium ship parts could be obtained.

==General principles==
*In each battle there are two teams
Depending on the rank of your ship, you may not be able to get into certain modes.
*Bots can be put on both teams in a battle.
The settings for available game modes for the ship ranks are changed randomly on irregular intervals, as well as available maps may change on patch-to-patch basis
*There cannot be a battle with only bots

==Skirmish game modes==
=Skirmish game modes=
Each game mode has a set of conditions and rules.
Each game mode has a set of conditions and rules, available ship ranks range and can only be played on certain maps.
{|class = "wikitable"
|+Skirmish game modes
{| width = "100%"
|Available ranks: 1-15
!Game mode conditions
<b>Goal: Deplete all of the enemy control points. If game timer runs out, team having more control points win.</b>  
!Victory Conditions<ref>In order to win, you only need to fulfill one </ref>
Game starts with both teams having 999 control points. There are only 3 beacons on the map and at the start of the game all 3 are neutral. Team that controls less beacons will constantly lose control points, if enemy team have control of 3 beacons points will be lost at much higher rate.
![[Capture the beacons]]
Each beacon will spawn 1 guard drones after being under control for some time, there can only be 4 guard drones orbiting 1 beacon. Enemy team must destroy these drones before beacon can be captured. In order to contribute to a beacon capture, player's ship must be within 750m radius from the beacon.
!Capture all enemy beacons
Killing an enemy will reduce enemy control points by 10pts.
*Each team has 3 beacons on their side
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*Each beacon is protected by 4 guard drones
<embedvideo service="youtube" dimensions="500x300" alignment="center">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0DeiPUJRJU</embedvideo>
*A beacon can only be captured when all 4 guard drones are destroyed
*As long as a beacon has more than 0 points, it can be restored to 100. If a beacon is on 0 points, it cannot be restored anymore.
*Limited respawn. Once the ship is destroyed, you cannot use it again in this battle
*Capture all enemy beacons or destroy all enemy ships
*If the time runs out, the team with most beacons captured wins
*If both teams have the same amount of beacons remaining, the team with more kills wins the battle

==Team battle==
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!Remove the enemys control points
|Available ranks: 1-15
<b>Classic version.</b>
*3 neutral beacons are located between both spawn points<ref>Neutral beacons do not influence the control points of any team</ref>
<br><b>Goal: Deplete the enemy reinforcement points. If timer runs out team that have more reinforcement points win</b>
*Both teams start with 750 control points
<br>Games starts with both teams having equal amount of reinforcement points, amount of points depends on how many players in the battle, and can grow if the game grows in size during hot-join 3 minutes period. Every time player dies his team loses 1 point, if player dies in own spawn area, his team loses 3 points.  
*In order to decrease the points of the enemy team, you need to capture neutral or enemy beacons and hold them. Destroying enemy ships also decreases the enemys points
There are various artefact-boosts available around the map, they are available from the game start and will respawn after they were picked up. Each Artefact pickup grants a whole team a certain boost.
*If your team holds a beacon for a certain time, it will spawn guard drones. Max. 4 per beacon
*Red = Damage
*A beacon can only be captured when all 4 guard drones are destroyed
*Blue = Invulnerability
*The more beacons your team holds, the faster the enemy control points decrease
*Yellow = Speed
*Each destroyed ship reduces the amount of points from the enemy team by 10
*Green = Hull repairs
*Unlimted respawn
Each boost type has its own timer, and can be used together.
*The team that first decreases the other teams points to 0 wins
*If the time runs up, the team with highest amount of points wins

Amount of reinforcement points depends on how many players there are in total in the game:
*4 players = 20pts
*8 players = 25pts
*12 players = 35pts
*16 players = 40pts
*20 players = 45pts
|width = "550px"|<div style="clear:right;margin:5px 5px 5px 5px;float:right;padding:5px">
<embedvideo service="youtube" dimensions="500x300" alignment="center">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0DeiPUJRJU</embedvideo>
( Team battle starts at 5:10 video-time )
![[Разведка боем]]
|<br><b>Survival version</b>
!Уничтожить всю команду противника
Survival is a variation of a classic team battle, following same rules and mechanics, except one - each player takes 3x dmg from all sources. Currently this game mode is considered as "experimental" and may undergo changes in near future.
*В начале боя один пилот выбирается капитаном
*Капитан получает бонус к урону
*Капитан видит все корабли на любом расстоянии и сквозь препятствия
*Все пилоты видят капитанов обоих команд
*Пока жив капитан, сбитые корабли можно использовать повторно
*Если капитан погиб, вылет в бой невозможен
*Все корабли противника уничтожены
*По истечению времени игры капитан противника уничтожен, а свой - цел
*По истечению времени игры оба капитана целы, но команда сбила больше кораблей противника
*По истечению времени игры оба капитана уничтожены, но команда сбила больше кораблей противника
![[Охота на маяк]]
!Обнулить очки контроля у команды противника
*Всего на карте 3 маяка
*В любой момент времени активен<ref>Неактивный маяк нельзя увидеть на радаре и захватить, а так же он не убавляет очки контроля команде противника</ref> только один маяк
*В начале игры каждая команда имеет по 175 очков контроля
*Свой маяк уменьшает количество очков контроля у команды противника
*Перед активацией маяк обозначает свое местонахождение
*После активации маяк нейтрален
*Чужие и нейтральные маяки можно захватывать, делая их своими
*Своим маякам можно восстанавливать очки захвата
*После гибели корабль можно использовать снова
*Нельзя выйти в бой, пока активный маяк находится под контролем своей команды
*У противника закончились очки контроля
*По истечению времени игры у противника меньше очков контроля
!Уничтожить все станции наведения противника
*Каждая команда имеет по 3 станции наведения
*Станцию наведения можно уничтожить только специальной ЭМ-бомбой
*Бомба появляется в центре карты
*В любой момент времени на карте на может быть более 2-х бомб
*Чтобы подобрать бомбу, к ней надо подлететь
*Корабль, несущий бомбу, не может двигаться с полной скоростью и использовать форсаж
*Чтобы взорвать станцию необходимо принести и установить бомбу
*После гибели корабль можно использовать снова
*Все станции противника уничтожены
*По истечению времени противник имеет меньше неповрежденных станций

==Combat Recon==
В зависимости от ранга корабля ему могут быть доступны не все режимы боя.
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Ротация режимов боя, доступных конкретному рангу, осуществляется через неравные промежутки времени случайным образом.
|Available ranks: 4-15
<b>Goal:Destroy the enemy captain and all other players afterwards. If timer runs out there are 2 rules to decide who wins:</b>
*Team that have lost their captain will lose.
*In case that both captains survived or both are dead, team with more kill will win.
Captain will be randomly selected at the beginning of the match, captain is granted a 75% base damage buff for a duration of the match.In addition to a increased dmg, captain granted a vision on all enemy players regardless of obstacles, cloaking effects or range of sensors, still Captain can only lock-on targets that are within team sensor range and revealed. Just like the whole enemy team is visible to the captain, captain is always visible to the enemy team, and in the same way captain can be seen behind obstacles and under cloaking effects, but can only be locked on while revealed and in sensors range.<br>
Combat recon has 2 phases. During phase one (200 seconds from the start) Captains and his teammates have unlimited re-spawns and can play aggressively to obtain the lead in kill score board. When phase 2 starts (Captain Hunt phase) captains can not re-spawn, and if captain dies all of his team mates can no longer re-spawn, allowing enemy team to obtain numbers advantage.
|width = "550px"|<div style="clear:right;margin:5px 5px 5px 5px;float:right;padding:5px">
<embedvideo service="youtube" dimensions="500x300" alignment="center">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYzOhvatkLk</embedvideo>

==Beacon Hunt==
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|Available ranks: 4-15
<b>Goal: Deplete all of the enemy control points. If timer runs out team with more control points win</b>
The map has three neutral beacons in three different locations of the map. There always is only one beacon active at the same time. An inactive beacons cannot be seen on the radar, they cannot be captured and it does not influence any team's control points. Each team starts with 200 control points.<br>
Beacons are always rotated [A] -> [B] -> [C]<br>
Next beacon will be pinged at 20 and 10 seconds marks prior to activation.<br>
Just like in Domination, after awhile controlled beacon will spawn Guard Drones.<br>
Team that controls a beacon will deplete enemy control points at a rate 1 second = 1 point.<br>
Team that controls a beacon <b> can not respawn</b> until control is lost or new beacon is activated.
|width = "550px"|<div style="clear:right;margin:5px 5px 5px 5px;float:right;padding:5px">
<embedvideo service="youtube" dimensions="500x300" alignment="center">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmp2UaFLabw</embedvideo>
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|Available ranks: 4-15
<b>Goal: Destroy all enemy stations. If timer runs out, winning conditions are:</b>
*Team that have more stations active - wins
*If both teams have equal amount of stations active, team with more kills will win.
Each team has 3 stations on their side. At the beginning a neutral EM-bomb is located in the middle of the battlefield. Max. amount of bombs on the battlefield: 2. Em-bomb has to be contested and picked up, in order to pick up a bomb player must be continuously in close proximity. Bomb carrier has it's speed greatly reduced, going invisible, invulnerability effects like emergency barrier proc or combat reboot and warps will drop the bomb and it can be picked up by a different player. If bomb carrier is killed, bomb will drop and can be picked up by another player.<br>
In order to destroy an enemy station, bomb carrier must get into close proximity of the station and plant it by being in range for some time. Capturing and planting a bomb will pop-up a progress bar of the player.<br>
Stations can only be destroyed by planting a bomb.
|width = "550px"|<div style="clear:right;margin:5px 5px 5px 5px;float:right;padding:5px">
<embedvideo service="youtube" dimensions="500x300" alignment="center">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVjy1XwQepQ</embedvideo>
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==Capture the beacons==
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|Available ranks: 10-15
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<b> Goal: Capture all enemy beacons or destroy all enemy ships. If timer runs out team that controls more beacons will win, if both teams have same amount of beacons, team with more kills wins</b>
|align="center" width="20" height=60 |<span style="font-size:150%;">[[Битва за сектор]]</span>
Each team has 3 beacons on their side at the beginning of the game. Each beacon is protected by 4 guard drones, which have to be destroyed in order to start capturing the beacon, unlike Domination and Beacon Hunt modes, beacons will not respawn Guard Drones.<br>
|align="center" width="20"|<span style="font-size:150%;">[[Свой бой]]</span>
As long as a beacon has more than 0 points, it can be restored to 100. If a beacon is on 0 points, it cannot be restored anymore and considered as lost.
|align="center" width="20"|<span style="font-size:150%;">[[Миссии (PvE)]]</span>
This mode has limited amount of respawns, each ship can only be used once in a battle, if ship is destroyed player must pick another ship to respawn. This rule means that player is limited to a maximum of 4 lives and it is crucial to have 4 ships equipped in a hangar at the start of the mode.<br>
|align="center" width="20"|<span style="font-size:150%;">[[Карта]]</span>
This is the same game mode that is used for [[League|Star Conflict Leagues]]
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<embedvideo service="youtube" dimensions="500x300" alignment="center">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SK1P62DV0tI</embedvideo>
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!Available game-modes
|<br><br>Ancient ruins
|align="left"|<br><br>Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt, Detonation, Capture the beacons
|- style="vertical-align:middle;"
|<br><br>Eastern mining station
|align="left"|<br><br>Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt, Detonation, Capture the beacons
|<br><br>Northern mining station
|align="left"|<br><br>Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt, Detonation, Capture the beacons
|align="left"|<br><br>Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt
|<br><br>Devils jaws
|align="left"|<br><br>Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt, Detonation, Capture the beacons
|<br><br>The Source
|align="left"|<br><br>Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt, Detonation, Capture the beacons
|align="left"|<br><br>Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt, Detonation, Capture the beacons
|<br><br>Abandoned complex
|align="left"|<br><br>Team battle, Combat Recon
|<br><br>Complex Alpha-7
|align="left"|<br><br>Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt
|<br><br>Monolith remains
|align="left"|<br><br>Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon, Capture the beacons
|<br><br>Leviathan. Catacombs.
|align="left"|<br><br>Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon
|<br><br>Northstar crash site
|align="left"|<br><br>Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt
|<br><br>Omega station
|align="left"|<br><br>Team battle, Domination
|<br><br>Depot 15
|align="left"|<br><br>Team battle, Domination
|<br><br>Dreadnought debris
|align="left"|<br><br>Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt, Detonation, Capture the beacons
|align="center"|[[File:ice belt_map.jpg|180px]]
|<br><br>Ice belt
|align="left"|<br><br>Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt, Detonation, Capture the beacons
|<br><br>Abandoned outpost
|align="left"|<br><br>Domination, Beacon hunt
|<br><br>Iridium strand
|align="left"|<br><br>Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt, Capture the beacons
|<br><br>Warden outpost ruins
|align="left"|<br><br>Domination, Beacon hunt
|<br><br>Research centre
|align="left"|<br><br>Domination, Beacon hunt
|<br><br>Ice pits
|align="left"|<br><br>Domination, Beacon hunt
|<br><br>Pandora anomaly
|align="left"|<br><br>Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt, Detonation, Capture the beacons
|<br><br>Destroyed station
|align="left"|<br><br>Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt, Detonation, Capture the beacons
|<br><br>Lava spines
|align="left"|<br><br>Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt, Detonation, Capture the beacons
=Game play footage=
<div style="margin: 20px 20px 10px 5px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;" align="left">
<embedvideo service="youtube" dimensions="400x250" alignment="center">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjLKeWXIRro</embedvideo><br>Domination
<div style="margin: 20px 20px 10px 5px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;" align="left">
<embedvideo service="youtube" dimensions="400x250" alignment="center">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvU3QpN9bhU</embedvideo><br>Team Battle
<div style="margin: 20px 20px 10px 5px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;" align="left">
<embedvideo service="youtube" dimensions="400x250" alignment="center">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4AQCFbO-1c</embedvideo><br>Combat Recon
<div style="margin: 20px 20px 10px 5px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;" align="left">
<embedvideo service="youtube" dimensions="400x250" alignment="center">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcxDaGScCVM</embedvideo><br>Beacon Hunt
<div style="margin: 20px 20px 10px 5px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;" align="left">
<embedvideo service="youtube" dimensions="400x250" alignment="center">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3OC9yH7XMY</embedvideo><br>Detonation
<div style="margin: 20px 20px 10px 5px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;" align="left">
<embedvideo service="youtube" dimensions="400x250" alignment="center">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxM6L6k03BI</embedvideo><br>Capture the beacon

Revision as of 05:14, 25 April 2018


PvP - Player versus Player, all players are always split in 2 teams and engage in combat according to the rules of 6 different game modes in 24 locations. Matches are created dynamically and could start as 3v3 and grow within 3 minutes to up to 10 vs 10 players. As a reward for participation player will obtain synergy, loyalty and credits (winning yields more), and winning team gets to loot the sectors, where various crafting materials, credits, iridium or premium ship parts could be obtained.


Depending on the rank of your ship, you may not be able to get into certain modes. The settings for available game modes for the ship ranks are changed randomly on irregular intervals, as well as available maps may change on patch-to-patch basis

Skirmish game modes

Each game mode has a set of conditions and rules, available ship ranks range and can only be played on certain maps.


Available ranks: 1-15

Goal: Deplete all of the enemy control points. If game timer runs out, team having more control points win. Game starts with both teams having 999 control points. There are only 3 beacons on the map and at the start of the game all 3 are neutral. Team that controls less beacons will constantly lose control points, if enemy team have control of 3 beacons points will be lost at much higher rate.

Each beacon will spawn 1 guard drones after being under control for some time, there can only be 4 guard drones orbiting 1 beacon. Enemy team must destroy these drones before beacon can be captured. In order to contribute to a beacon capture, player's ship must be within 750m radius from the beacon.

Killing an enemy will reduce enemy control points by 10pts.

Team battle

Available ranks: 1-15

Classic version.
Goal: Deplete the enemy reinforcement points. If timer runs out team that have more reinforcement points win
Games starts with both teams having equal amount of reinforcement points, amount of points depends on how many players in the battle, and can grow if the game grows in size during hot-join 3 minutes period. Every time player dies his team loses 1 point, if player dies in own spawn area, his team loses 3 points. There are various artefact-boosts available around the map, they are available from the game start and will respawn after they were picked up. Each Artefact pickup grants a whole team a certain boost.

  • Red = Damage
  • Blue = Invulnerability
  • Yellow = Speed
  • Green = Hull repairs

Each boost type has its own timer, and can be used together.

Amount of reinforcement points depends on how many players there are in total in the game:

  • 4 players = 20pts
  • 8 players = 25pts
  • 12 players = 35pts
  • 16 players = 40pts
  • 20 players = 45pts

( Team battle starts at 5:10 video-time )

Survival version

Survival is a variation of a classic team battle, following same rules and mechanics, except one - each player takes 3x dmg from all sources. Currently this game mode is considered as "experimental" and may undergo changes in near future.

Combat Recon

Available ranks: 4-15

Goal:Destroy the enemy captain and all other players afterwards. If timer runs out there are 2 rules to decide who wins:

  • Team that have lost their captain will lose.
  • In case that both captains survived or both are dead, team with more kill will win.

Captain will be randomly selected at the beginning of the match, captain is granted a 75% base damage buff for a duration of the match.In addition to a increased dmg, captain granted a vision on all enemy players regardless of obstacles, cloaking effects or range of sensors, still Captain can only lock-on targets that are within team sensor range and revealed. Just like the whole enemy team is visible to the captain, captain is always visible to the enemy team, and in the same way captain can be seen behind obstacles and under cloaking effects, but can only be locked on while revealed and in sensors range.
Combat recon has 2 phases. During phase one (200 seconds from the start) Captains and his teammates have unlimited re-spawns and can play aggressively to obtain the lead in kill score board. When phase 2 starts (Captain Hunt phase) captains can not re-spawn, and if captain dies all of his team mates can no longer re-spawn, allowing enemy team to obtain numbers advantage.

Beacon Hunt

Available ranks: 4-15

Goal: Deplete all of the enemy control points. If timer runs out team with more control points win The map has three neutral beacons in three different locations of the map. There always is only one beacon active at the same time. An inactive beacons cannot be seen on the radar, they cannot be captured and it does not influence any team's control points. Each team starts with 200 control points.
Beacons are always rotated [A] -> [B] -> [C]
Next beacon will be pinged at 20 and 10 seconds marks prior to activation.
Just like in Domination, after awhile controlled beacon will spawn Guard Drones.
Team that controls a beacon will deplete enemy control points at a rate 1 second = 1 point.
Team that controls a beacon can not respawn until control is lost or new beacon is activated.


Available ranks: 4-15

Goal: Destroy all enemy stations. If timer runs out, winning conditions are:

  • Team that have more stations active - wins
  • If both teams have equal amount of stations active, team with more kills will win.

Each team has 3 stations on their side. At the beginning a neutral EM-bomb is located in the middle of the battlefield. Max. amount of bombs on the battlefield: 2. Em-bomb has to be contested and picked up, in order to pick up a bomb player must be continuously in close proximity. Bomb carrier has it's speed greatly reduced, going invisible, invulnerability effects like emergency barrier proc or combat reboot and warps will drop the bomb and it can be picked up by a different player. If bomb carrier is killed, bomb will drop and can be picked up by another player.
In order to destroy an enemy station, bomb carrier must get into close proximity of the station and plant it by being in range for some time. Capturing and planting a bomb will pop-up a progress bar of the player.
Stations can only be destroyed by planting a bomb.

Capture the beacons

Available ranks: 10-15

Goal: Capture all enemy beacons or destroy all enemy ships. If timer runs out team that controls more beacons will win, if both teams have same amount of beacons, team with more kills wins Each team has 3 beacons on their side at the beginning of the game. Each beacon is protected by 4 guard drones, which have to be destroyed in order to start capturing the beacon, unlike Domination and Beacon Hunt modes, beacons will not respawn Guard Drones.
As long as a beacon has more than 0 points, it can be restored to 100. If a beacon is on 0 points, it cannot be restored anymore and considered as lost. This mode has limited amount of respawns, each ship can only be used once in a battle, if ship is destroyed player must pick another ship to respawn. This rule means that player is limited to a maximum of 4 lives and it is crucial to have 4 ships equipped in a hangar at the start of the mode.
This is the same game mode that is used for Star Conflict Leagues


Image Name Available game-modes

Ancient ruins

Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt, Detonation, Capture the beacons

Eastern mining station

Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt, Detonation, Capture the beacons

Northern mining station

Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt, Detonation, Capture the beacons


Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt

Devils jaws

Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt, Detonation, Capture the beacons

The Source

Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt, Detonation, Capture the beacons


Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt, Detonation, Capture the beacons

Abandoned complex

Team battle, Combat Recon

Complex Alpha-7

Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt

Monolith remains

Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon, Capture the beacons

Leviathan. Catacombs.

Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon

Northstar crash site

Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt

Omega station

Team battle, Domination

Depot 15

Team battle, Domination

Dreadnought debris

Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt, Detonation, Capture the beacons

Ice belt

Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt, Detonation, Capture the beacons

Abandoned outpost

Domination, Beacon hunt

Iridium strand

Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt, Capture the beacons

Warden outpost ruins

Domination, Beacon hunt

Research centre

Domination, Beacon hunt

Ice pits

Domination, Beacon hunt

Pandora anomaly

Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt, Detonation, Capture the beacons

Destroyed station

Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt, Detonation, Capture the beacons

Lava spines

Team battle, Domination, Combat Recon, Beacon hunt, Detonation, Capture the beacons

Game play footage


Team Battle

Combat Recon

Beacon Hunt


Capture the beacon