Speed balancer

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Speed balancer
Speed balancer

Type: Ship modifier.

Group: Engine modifiers.

For ranks: 8-12, 11-17.

For ship type: Ellydium


Increases the time before the weapon overheats.
If the ship's speed is below 30%, projectile speed increases.
You can place only one modifier.


Parameters Speed balancer 12 Speed balancer 17
Mk.1 Mk.2 Mk.3 Mk.4 Mk.1 Mk.2 Mk.3 Mk.4
Heating reduction 15% +4% +4% +4% 16% +4% +4% +4%
Projectile acceleration 25% +5% +4% +4% 27% +5% +4% +4%
Cost Manufacturing 142500 285000 665000 Manufacturing 427500 855000 1995000

Weapons Missiles Special Modules Active Modules Ship Modifiers Munitions