Raw materials and Parts

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For the production of items you need resources. In this article you will learn what resources exist and how to get them.

Main article:
About crafting items and ships:
About objects in Open Space:
Containers and minerals

Raw materials

In the game there are different types of raw materials for crafting.

Resource Icon Where can be found
Vanadium Vanadium

In minerals in Open Space; can be bought in shop from Bundles; for tasks in sections Contracts and Regular Tasks.
Impure graphite Impure graphite
Impure silicon Impure silicon
Crystal shard Crystal shard
Impure osmium Impure osmium
Enriched monocrystal Enriched monocrystal

Can be bought in shop from Bundles and from other pilots; for tasks in sections Contracts and Regular Tasks; from sector owning in Conquest mode.
Xenocrystal Xenocrystal


From raw materials in Workshop you can produce other resources.

Item Icon Components Cost of learning Cost of manufacturing Where can be found
Metal blank Metal blank
Vanadium - 3 pcs.
Free 5'000

Can be bought from other pilots; for tasks in section Contracts; from sector owning in Conquest mode.
Graphite plate Graphite plate
Impure graphite - 3 pcs.
Free 5'000
Pure silicon Pure silicon
Impure silicon - 3 pcs.
Free 5'000
Computing chip Computing chip
Crystal shard - 2 pcs.
Free 5'000
Osmium crystal Osmium crystal
Impure osmium - 2 pcs.
Free 20'000
Processing block Processing block Pure silicon - 4 pcs.

Computing chip - 10 pcs.

Free 40'000
Screened battery Screened battery Graphite plate - 1 pcs.

Osmium crystal - 3 pcs.

Free 40'000
Alien composite block (10 pcs.)
Alien composite block
Enriched monocrystal - 1 pcs.

Xenocrystal - 1 pcs.

Metal blank - 1 pcs.

1'000'000 100'000

Can be bought from other pilots; from sector owning in Conquest mode.

Also you can get some parts from reassembling of equipment (except Mk.1), if you don't need it: right click at item --> Salvage.