Vacuum resonance laser

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Vacuum resonance laser
Vacuum resonance laser

Type: Beam weapon.

For ship: Vigilant

For ranks: 12-17.



Upon holding the beam on the target for more than 0.5 s. all other enemies in a 700 m. radius receive additional damage for 5 s.


Parameters are shown without ship bonuses and modifiers for the 1 weapon.
Damage per second and per shot increase depending on the number of weapons mounted on the ship.
Some damage parameters are rounded to integer values.
Parameters Vacuum resonance laser 17
Mk.1 Mk.2 Mk.3 Mk.4 Mk.5
DPS (thermal) 620 dmg./s. +46 dmg./s. +48 dmg./s. +30 dmg./s. +17 dmg./s.
Damage (thermal) 531 dmg. +40 dmg. +41 dmg. +26 dmg. +14 dmg.
Additional DPS (thermal) 907 dmg./s. +31 dmg./s. +42 dmg./s. +21 dmg./s. +21 dmg./s.
Rate of fire 70 rounds/min
Critical chance 15%
Critical damage bonus 50%
Firing range (max.) 4000 m.
Overheating/cooling 9/1.5 s.
Cost Manufacturing 1260000 2520000 5880000 Manufacturing

Weapons Missiles Special Modules Active Modules Ship Modifiers Munitions