Autonomous battle station

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Autonomous battle station
Autonomous battle station

Type: Special module

For ship: Hammerhead


Sets up an autonomous battle station with upgradable levels.
The upgrade option can be selected by pressing the activation key again during the upgrade process.
Away from the owner the station is passive and persists for 360 s.
The owner can spend energy to repair the station.
The station can be destroyed by holding the special module button.
Station equipment:


  • Station durability: 20000 - 40000 pts.
  • Energy for station repairs: 130 en./s.
  • Station repair speed: 160 - 250 pts./s.
  • Max. distance to owner: 2000 m.
  • Recharge: 35 s.

Weapons Missiles Special Modules Active Modules Ship Modifiers Munitions