Express delivery

Type: Special module
For ship: Persei-8
- The ship lands down on a surface, the distance to which should be no more than 350 m. The landing angle should be no more than 45 degrees and ship speed - no more than 600 m/s.
- If the module is activated far from the surface, landing waiting mode
is activated: when the ship is near surface, it will land immediately.
- While the module is active, the ship is invisible to radars and restores its shield and hull by 500 pts./sec. Invisibility is not reset by firing from weapons, missiles or using modules.
- Upon reactivation, the ship flies off the surface and leaves behind a high density object that attracts all enemy ships at 450 m/s and disables their warp ability at a range of up to 1200 m. for 15 sec.
- Energy consumption: 150 en.
- Recharge: 25 s.