Axe-X S

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Accumulates 5% free experience

The maximum level of experience — 5

Survivability* 13013
Hull 3538
Shield 7285
Energy 444
Speed 286

Available from the beginning:
Available at experience level 2:
Energy regeneration speed increased by 25%.
Available at experience level 4:
Cooldown time for "Command modules" group modules reduced by 13%.

Equipment upon purchase
Assault Railgun 2
Active modules
Ship modifiers

Special module

Buying price 0
Selling price 0

* All specifications are shown for the ship with the maximum level of experience (5) without equipment

General information

Faction: JERICHO
Class: Fighter
Role: Command
Rank: 2


Command ships are spearheading the offence. Diffusion Shield covers them from enemy fire, while decent hull and shield ensure their longevity. Command ships are particularly strong in groups.

To participate in the First Campaign, Technologists needed their own fighter, so they made their own version of the ship, which they called the "Axe-X S", based on the Bosco Family "Axe".

Attention! The ship is no longer in production.

Available equipment

Singularity Cannon 4 Assault Railgun 2

Missile slot

Active Role Modules

Active Multipurpose Modules

Ship modifiers




Ship has no CPU slots

Tables of ship's technical characteristics

Ship's resistance to incoming damage

Shield resistance Hull resistance
to thermal weapon, (pts.) to kinetic weapon, (pts.) to EM weapon, (pts.) to thermal weapon, (pts.) to kinetic weapon, (pts.) to EM weapon, (pts.)
25 55 -5 25 -5 55

Ship's characteristics on different experience levels

Level Energy Hull, (pts.) Shield Sensors
capacity, (pts.) for afterburner, (pts./s) regeneration, (pts./s) capacity, (pts.) regeneration, (pts./s) range, (m) target lock time, (s)
1 415 113 101 3050 6280 108 2500 2
2 415 113 126 3325 6846 108 2500 2
3 415 113 126 3447 7097 108 2750 2
4 427 113 129 3447 7097 108 2750 2
5 444 113 133 3538 7285 108 3000 2

Ship's speed on different experience levels

Level Speed Acceleration, (m/s2) Strafe, (m/s) Pitch, (deg./s) Roll, (deg./s)
march, (m/s) afterburner, (m/s)
1 284 341 90 88 72 66
2 284 341 90 88 72 66
3 286 343 92 88 72 66
4 286 343 92 88 72 66
5 286 343 92 88 72 66

Interceptors Fighters Frigates Destroyers