Signature Masking

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Signature Masking
Signature Masking

Type: Active combat module.

Group: Guard modules.

For ranks: 9-13, 12-17.

For ship type:


Reduces all damage done by all visible enemy ships in a 2200 m. range.
Upon activation temporarily increases enemy weapon weakening more.
After the end of action enemy ships are resistant to the action of the module for 25 s.


Parameters Signature Masking 13 Signature Masking 17
Mk.1 Mk.2 Mk.3 Mk.4 Mk.1 Mk.2 Mk.3 Mk.4
Passive weapon weakening 13% +2% +1% +2% 15% +2% +1% +2%
Active weapon weakening 50% +2% +2% +2% 54% +2% +2% +2%
Active time 5 s. 5 s.
Energy consumption 620 en. 693 en.
Recharge 25 s. 25 s.
Cost 103700 155500 311000 725800 345600 518400 1036800 2419200

Weapons Missiles Special Modules Active Modules Ship Modifiers Munitions