Repair drone operator
Type: Special module
For ship: Waz'Got
- Launches drones accompanying the ship.
- Drone damage depends on the level of the main weapon installed on the ship.
- Upon activation the drone moves to the selected spot and transforms into a repair pack. The repair pack persists for 105 s.
- Repairs 5748/5872 hull pts. for an ally who picks it up and 1078/1101 pts. for every other ally in 2000 m. range.
Depend on ship's rank (13-14/15). Characteristics are shown for 1 drone.
- Drone: damage (thermal): 226/230 dmg.
- Drone: rate of fire: 80 rounds/min
- Drone: weapon range: 2000 m.
- Drone: projectile speed: 3200 m./s.
- Drone: durability: 2793/2815 pts.
- Drone activation preparation time: 30 s.
- Drones production limit: 2 pts.
- Drones: 4 pts.
- Energy consumption: 109/118 en.
- Recharge: 6 s.