Restoring projector

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Restoring projector
Restoring projector

Type: Active module.

Group: Engineering modules.

For ranks: 13-17.

For ship: Octopus


Forms a 350 m. radius beam in the direction of your aim with a range of 3500 m. for 7 s.
Allies caught in the beam regenerate 1000 of hull and shield pts. per sec.


Parameters Restoring projector 17
Mk.1 Mk.2 Mk.3 Mk.4
Energy consumption 220 en. -40 en. -40 en. -40 en.
Energy consumption per sec. 500 en./s.
Recharge 42 s. -2 s. -3 s. -2 s.
Cost Manufacturing 1228500 2457000 5733000

Weapons Missiles Special Modules Active Modules Ship Modifiers Munitions