'Tai'al' launcher

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'Tai'al' launcher
'Tai'al' launcher

Type: EM weapon.

For ship: Tai'Kin

For ranks: 8-12, 11-17.



EM weapon with explosive damage. Explosion damage depends on target size.
Fires two powerful homing missiles, but has a long cooldown period.

Weapon history

Tai'al is in demand among mercenaries escorting transports in fringe sectors. Simplicity of aim gives recon ships the ability to control the distance of the battle and land the final blow in the dispute over the cargo.
Tai'al was developed by Ellydium shortly after the corporation built its foundations on Leviathan. During the creation of a trial batch Ellydium used materials obtained after the first Alien attack. For further mass production Ellydium used analogs obtained in a less remarkable way.
The gun is equipped with two coupled missiles with increased power and a homing system. One of the requirements of the technical task was increased power of the warhead. In this regard, the designers had to reduce the space under the cooling system. This was a forced measure, which allowed to increase the effective capacity of shells.
All these features make Tai'al the most effective at medium distance against small and standard size targets.It can also be useful if you need to avoid close combat.


Parameters are shown without ship bonuses and modifiers for the 1 weapon.
Damage per second and per shot increase depending on the number of weapons mounted on the ship.
Some damage parameters are rounded to integer values.
Parameters 'Tai'al' launcher 12 'Tai'al' launcher 17
Mk.1 Mk.2 Mk.3 Mk.4 Mk.5 Mk.1 Mk.2 Mk.3 Mk.4 Mk.5
DPS (EM) 606 dmg./s. +22 dmg./s. +24 dmg./s. +18 dmg./s. +16 dmg./s. 628 dmg./s. +24 dmg./s. +23 dmg./s. +18 dmg./s. +16 dmg./s.
Damage (EM) 727 dmg. +27 dmg. +28 dmg. +22 dmg. +19 dmg. 754 dmg. +28 dmg. +28 dmg. +22 dmg. +19 dmg.
Rate of fire 50 rounds/min 50 rounds/min
Trigger radius 20 m. 20 m.
Explosion radius 100 m. 100 m.
Critical chance 5% 5%
Critical damage bonus 50% 50%
Projectile speed 1300 m/s 1400 m/s
Maneuvering speed 45 deg./s. 45 deg./s.
Firing range (max.) 3000 m. 3000 m.
Spread 10 deg. 10 deg.
Overheating/cooling 7/2 s. 7/2 s.
Cost Manufacturing 225000 450000 1050000 Manufacturing Manufacturing 675000 1350000 3150000 Manufacturing


Weapons Missiles Special Modules Active Modules Ship Modifiers Munitions