Reserve shield system

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Reserve shield system
Reserve shield system

Type: Ship modifier.

Group: Shield modifiers.

For ranks: 8-12.

For ship type: Kris S and premium ships of the role


When the shield is depleted, temporarily gives absolute protection.
Triggers no more than once a certain time.
You can place only one modifier.


Parameters Reserve shield system 12
Mk.1 Mk.2 Mk.3 Mk.4 Mk.5
Active time 1.6 s. +0.4 s. +0.2 s. +0.2 s. +0.1 s.
Recharge 60 s. -20 s. -5 s. -5 s. -5 s.
Cost Can be picked up from destroyed enemies in the zone Vanguard Outpost 142500 285000 665000 Manufacturing

Weapons Missiles Special Modules Active Modules Ship Modifiers Munitions