Crystal defence drone

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Crystal drone
Crystal drone

Type: Drone.

For ship type: Destroyer

For ranks: 14-17.


Launches a drone with 4000 durability in the direction of your aim.
It attacks the nearest enemy or the current target, deals 90% more damage to aliens and 15% more damage to 'Ellydium' ships.


Parameters Crystal defence drone 17
Drone: DPS (thermal) 2250 dmg./s.
Drone: damage (thermal) 1500 dmg.
Drone: rate of fire 90 rounds/min
Drone: projectile speed 2000 m/s
Drone: weapon rotation speed 360 deg./s.
Drone: weapon range (max.) 2000 m.
Drone: active time 35 s.
Recharge 15 s.
Cost Manufacturing

Weapons Missiles Special Modules Active Modules Ship Modifiers Munitions