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Type: EM weapon.

For ship: Waz'Got

For ranks: 8-12, 11-17.



EM weapon with explosive damage. Explosion damage depends on target size.
Plasma charge can hit ships behind the target (in a 30 deg. cone with a length of 550 m.).
Critical hits restore energy for each affected target.


Parameters are shown without ship bonuses and modifiers for the 1 weapon.
The rate of fire increases depending on the number of weapons mounted on the ship, result is increased damage per second.
Some damage parameters are rounded to integer values.
Parameters Waz'Gul 12 Waz'Gul 17
Mk.1 Mk.2 Mk.3 Mk.4 Mk.5 Mk.1 Mk.2 Mk.3 Mk.4 Mk.5
DPS (EM) 486 dmg./s. +36 dmg./s. +36 dmg./s. +24 dmg./s. +12 dmg./s. 522 dmg./s. +36 dmg./s. +36 dmg./s. +24 dmg./s. +12 dmg./s.
Damage (EM) 1459 dmg. +108 dmg. +108 dmg. +70 dmg. +37 dmg. 1567 dmg. +108 dmg. +107 dmg. +71 dmg. +37 dmg.
Energy regeneration 94 en. +7 en. +6 en. +5 en. +2 en. 101 en. +6 en. +7 en. +5 en. +2 en.
Rate of fire 20 rounds/min 20 rounds/min
Trigger radius 30 m. 30 m.
Critical chance 20% 20%
Critical damage bonus 70% 70%
Projectile speed 5400 m/s 5400 m/s
Firing range (max.) 3600 m. 3600 m.
Spread 0.35 deg. 0.35 deg.
Overheating/cooling 8/1.5 s. 8/1.5 s.
Cost Manufacturing 225000 450000 1050000 Manufacturing Manufacturing 675000 1350000 3150000 Manufacturing


Weapons Missiles Special Modules Active Modules Ship Modifiers Munitions