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Accumulates 5% free experience

The maximum experience level — 10

Survivability* 32312
Hull 17630
Shield 16619
Energy 1302
Speed 261

Available from the beginning:
Shield resistance to all damage increased by 10 pts.
Available at experience level 2:
Maximum capacitor volume increased by 20%.
Available at experience level 4:
Should be chosen
Available at experience level 8:
Should be chosen

Equipment upon purchase
Beam Cannon 12
Active modules
Ship modifiers

Special module Should be chosen

Cost of manufacturing 4890000
Cost of refitting 1000000

* All specifications are shown for the ship with the maximum level of experience (10) without equipment

General information

Faction: UMC
Class: Frigate
Role: Guard
Rank: 10


This is a highly customisable ship obtained through crafting.
Craft ships are made from parts that can be assembled in the workshop. When creating a ship, you can configure the number of slots for each type of modifier (engine, capacitor, shield, hull, computer; maximum slots of one type are 3). Total distribution slots — 9.

Guard ships are designed to protect their team from enemy missiles, as well as enhance the defences of allied ships. Guard ships feature strong defences and an enhanced Phase Shield.

Guard frigate ‘Endeavour’ looks like a legendary ship from the first steps of mankind in the exploration of outer space. The ship was widely used since the middle of the 27th century during the ‘religious wars’. It proved itself well in the battles with fanatics of the so-called Fringe — the same organization that became the foundation of the church of believers in the Signal. It was ‘Endeavour’ that became an experimental model to carry the famous ‘Jumper’ — the first model of an interstellar engine of ultra-compact size.

Blueprints and technologies of ‘Endeavour’ were lost almost immediately after the adoption of the ‘Frontier Decree’. They were rediscovered in the special facility of the ‘Spot’ object, found in the asteroid field of the star system SY3176-GIII-A4 by a special expedition from Erebus.

Unique ship equipment


Compression railgun

The damage received by the ship in the last few seconds increases rate of fire.

Active module

Phase demodulator

All opponents nearby forcefully mark the ship as a target. At this time, the ship receives additional shield. Additionally regenerates main shield.

Shield modifier

Enhanced shield

Increases shield resistance to all types of damage, while reducing the range of primary weapons.


Special module

You must select one of the following special modules. If there is one special module, you won't have to choose.

Description Energy consumption  Recharge
Deals damage at 3% / s. to shields of enemies within a radius of 1500 meters, and for each enemy the rate of reloading the module is accelerated by 37.5%. When activating the module, ship to 8 s. gets 150 pts. resistance to all damage and speed bonus by 70%, decreasing over 12 s. The acceleration bonus is reset if the frigate opens fire or activates modules. 300 en. 45 s.


You must select one bonus for each level. If there is one bonus on a level, you won't have to choose.

Effective range of "Guard modules" increased by 50%.
Energy consumption of "Guard modules" reduced by 20%.
Missile and missile cassette reloading speed up by 20%.
Shield resistance to all damage increased by 10 pts.
Hull resistance to all damage increased by 10 pts.
Maximum hull strength increased by 7.5%.
Maximum shield strength increased by 7.5%.

Available equipment

Beam Cannon 12 Heavy Blaster 13 Positron Cannon 11 Positron Cannon 14 Coil Mortar 12 Mass Driver 11 Mass Driver 14 Vulcan 13 Destructor 14 Breach Laser 12

Missile slot

Active Role Modules

Active Multipurpose Modules

Ship modifiers





Tables of ship's technical characteristics

Ship's resistance to incoming damage

Shield resistance Hull resistance
to thermal weapon, (pts.) to kinetic weapon, (pts.) to EM weapon, (pts.) to thermal weapon, (pts.) to kinetic weapon, (pts.) to EM weapon, (pts.)
-20 10 -50 15 -15 45

Ship's characteristics on different experience levels

Level Energy Hull, (pts.) Shield Sensors
capacity, (pts.) for afterburner, (pts./s) regeneration, (pts./s) capacity, (pts.) regeneration, (pts./s) range, (m) target lock time, (s)
1 950 214 184 14570 13735 143 2000 2
2 1140 214 184 15881 14971 143 2000 2
3 1140 214 184 16464 15521 143 2200 2
4 1169 214 190 16464 15521 143 2200 2
5 1207 214 197 16901 15933 143 2400 2
6 1235 214 203 17193 16207 143 2400 2
7 1235 214 203 17484 16345 143 2600 2
8 1235 214 203 17484 16345 143 2800 2
9 1263 214 208 17630 16482 143 2800 2
10 1302 214 215 17630 16619 143 3000 2

Ship's speed on different experience levels

Level Speed Acceleration, (m/s2) Strafe, (m/s) Pitch, (deg./s) Roll, (deg./s)
march, (m/s) afterburner, (m/s)
1 253 303 55 61 30 36
2 253 303 55 61 30 36
3 255 305 56 61 30 36
4 255 305 56 61 30 36
5 255 305 56 61 30 36
6 256 307 58 61 30 36
7 258 309 59 61 30 36
8 260 311 61 61 30 36
9 261 313 62 61 30 36
10 261 313 62 61 30 36

Player Builds

Ship model