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Accumulates 5% free experience

The maximum experience level — 10

Survivability* 18796
Hull 5542
Shield 10091
Energy 761
Speed 308

Available from the beginning:
Maximum speed increased by 5%.
Available at experience level 2:
Energy regeneration speed increased by 25%.
Available at experience level 4:
Should be chosen
Available at experience level 8:
Should be chosen

Equipment upon purchase
Assault Railgun 17
Active modules
Ship modifiers

Special module Should be chosen

Cost of manufacturing 10000000
Cost of refitting 1000000

* All specifications are shown for the ship with the maximum level of experience (10) without equipment

General information

Faction: Jericho
Class: Fighter
Role: Command
Rank: 17


This is a highly customisable ship obtained through crafting.
Craft ships are made from parts that can be assembled in the workshop. When creating a ship, you can configure the number of slots for each type of modifier (engine, capacitor, shield, hull, computer; maximum slots of one type are 3). Total distribution slots — 9.

This ship has pre-installed modifier slots: 1 engine, 2 capacitors, 3 shields, 2 hulls and 1 cpu.

Command ships are spearheading the offence. Diffusion Shield covers them from enemy fire, while decent hull and shield ensure their longevity. Command ships are particularly strong in groups.

The withdrawal of Jericho seriously weakened the remaining forces on the frontiers. Despite their huge production base, neither the Mendes Family nor the Sentinels are able to quickly provide the army with a steady flow of new weapons that are much needed in the face of the coming war. Kirishima is the brainchild of the “remaining Jericho forces” agreement.

The work on the project has been underway since 4620. Completed developments of the individual units made it possible to significantly reduce the time required to develop the new fighter. The initiative came from the Sinto Corporation, which had preferred to keep a low profile for a long time. It also provided the initial blueprints for the project and the resources to produce the hulls of the fighters. The Mendes and Liu families accepted the offer almost immediately, taking up the development of new engines and avionics systems respectively. The Sentinels were the last to join the project, providing shipyards and weapons for Kirishima.

Kirishima fully represents Jericho’s new defence doctrine. Most of the new ships will be deployed for patrol duty and to defend outposts in important areas. The fighter’s objective is to stall enemy advances and provide cover for allied ships.

Unique ship equipment


Minelayer 'Sower'

Thermal weapon. Places a mine in the point of impact.

Active module

Massive energy absorber

Drains energy from enemy ships and transfers it to the player’s ship.


Special module

You must select one of the following special modules. If there is one special module, you won't have to choose.

Description Energy consumption  Recharge
Surrounds the ship with a shield for 15 seconds. The shield absorbs all damage, but spends energy: 1 point for every 15 pts. damage. If energy is depleted, the shield disappears. 0 en. 30 s.
Creates a shield that surrounds the player's ship. The shield absorbs all damage, but consumes the energy of the player's ship: 1 unit for every 20 pts. of damage. If the energy runs out, the shield disappears. The shield increases damage resistance to allied ships' shields and hulls within 2500 m. by 75 pts., but all incoming damage to them is transferred to the shield of the player's ship. 350 en. 25 s.


You must select one bonus for each level. If there is one bonus on a level, you won't have to choose.

Rotation speed increased by 25%.
Strafe speed increased by 30%.
Maximum speed increased by 10%.
Effects of "Command modules" increased by 20%.
Effective range of "Command modules" increased by 50%.
Cooldown time for "Command modules" group modules reduced by 13%.

Available equipment

Ion Emitter 17 Pirate Ion Emitter 17 Singularity Cannon 17 / Pirate Singularity Cannon 17 Assault Railgun 17 Gauss Cannon 17 Pirate Gauss Cannon 17 Flux Phaser 17 / Pirate flux phaser 17 Phaser 17

Missile slot

Active Role Modules

Active Multipurpose Modules

Ship modifiers





Tables of ship's technical characteristics

Ship's resistance to incoming damage

Shield resistance Hull resistance
to thermal weapon, (pts.) to kinetic weapon, (pts.) to EM weapon, (pts.) to thermal weapon, (pts.) to kinetic weapon, (pts.) to EM weapon, (pts.)
25 55 -5 25 -5 55

Ship's characteristics on different experience levels

Level Energy Hull, (pts.) Shield Sensors
capacity, (pts.) for afterburner, (pts./s) regeneration, (pts./s) capacity, (pts.) regeneration, (pts./s) range, (m) target lock time, (s)
1 650 180 126 4580 8340 143 2500 2
2 650 180 157 4992 9091 143 2500 2
3 650 180 157 5175 9424 143 2750 2
4 670 180 161 5175 9424 143 2750 2
5 696 180 166 5313 9674 143 3000 2
6 715 180 170 5404 9841 143 3000 2
7 715 180 170 5496 9925 143 3250 2
8 715 180 170 5496 9925 143 3500 2
9 735 180 174 5542 10008 143 3500 2
10 761 180 179 5542 10091 143 3750 2

Ship's speed on different experience levels

Level Speed Acceleration, (m/s2) Strafe, (m/s) Pitch, (deg./s) Roll, (deg./s)
march, (m/s) afterburner, (m/s)
1 298 358 90 88 72 66
2 298 358 90 88 72 66
3 300 360 92 88 72 66
4 300 360 92 88 72 66
5 300 360 92 88 72 66
6 302 362 95 88 72 66
7 304 365 97 88 72 66
8 306 367 100 88 72 66
9 308 369 102 88 72 66
10 308 369 102 88 72 66

Player Builds

Interceptors Fighters Frigates Destroyers