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Accumulates 20% free experience
+50% credits
Doesn't need repairs, +2 cargo spaces
Earns x2 experience

The maximum level of experience — 10

Survivability* 27514
Hull 6770
Shield 18077
Energy 1112
Speed 234

Available from the beginning:
Maximum speed increased by 5%.
Critical chance increased by 5%.
Hull regeneration increased by 150 pts. per second.
Main weapon damage increased by 10%.

Equipment upon purchase
Beam Cannon 17
Active modules
Ship modifiers

Special module

Manufacturing 600 x

* All specifications are shown for the ship with the maximum level of experience (10) without equipment

General information

Faction: Jericho
Class: Frigate
Role: Long Range
Rank: 17


This ship belongs to the premium technology
Premium ships bring their pilots more credits and experience. Moreover, they do not require repair, have 2 more cargo slots for Open World than standard ships and also the maximum level of experience when buying! And, finally, you can install all the “unique and for the premium ships of the same role” weapons, modules and modifiers (maximum 2).

These ships are designed for long-range firing. They use their disintegrators or guided torpedoes. However, of high-power and long-range weapons come at the cost of armour and shields.

The Council of Families rarely exhibits anger, but if you fall into disgrace, be prepared to see one of the executioners on your radars, and they will carry out the sentence. For people like these, progressive Jericho minds designed the ship Executor.

The sentence passed by the Family Council is usually a death sentence, and none of the convicts seek to meet with the executioner. Therefore, the ship is equipped to catch the offender, slow him down, stretch the moment of agony and of awareness of the act, give him a couple of seconds for repentance as a gesture of mercy, and then quickly destroy him.

Unique ship equipment



When the laser beam hits, the target loses speed and maneuverability.

Active modules

Ammunition stabilizer

Increases guided torpedo damage. Torpedoes become immune to interference and automatic missile defense systems. Cancels effect of Tachyon Charge.

Disrupting shot

Torpedo hit reduces the target's rate of fire and increases its module reloading time.

Available equipment

Beam Cannon 17 Heavy Blaster 17 / Pirate Heavy Blaster 17 Positron Cannon 17 Pirate Positron Cannon 17 Coil Mortar 17 Boarding Coil Mortar 17 Mass Driver 17 / Pirate mass driver 17 Vulcan 17

Missile slot

Active Role Modules

Active Multipurpose Modules

Ship modifiers





Tables of ship's technical characteristics

Ship's resistance to incoming damage

Shield resistance Hull resistance
to thermal weapon, (pts.) to kinetic weapon, (pts.) to EM weapon, (pts.) to thermal weapon, (pts.) to kinetic weapon, (pts.) to EM weapon, (pts.)
15 45 -15 15 -15 45

Ship's characteristics on different experience levels

Level Energy Hull, (pts.) Shield Sensors
capacity, (pts.) for afterburner, (pts./s) regeneration, (pts./s) capacity, (pts.) regeneration, (pts./s) range, (m) target lock time, (s)
10 1112 246 215 6770 18077 178 3000 2

Ship's speed on different experience levels

Level Speed Acceleration, (m/s2) Strafe, (m/s) Pitch, (deg./s) Roll, (deg./s)
march, (m/s) afterburner, (m/s)
10 234 280 62 61 30 36

Ship model