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Accumulates 5% free experience

The maximum experience level — 10

Survivability* 8236
Hull 3854
Shield 4060
Energy 427
Speed 396

Available from the beginning:
Beacon capture speed increased by 20%.
Afterburner energy draw reduced by 20%.
Rotation speed increased by 25%.
Available at experience level 2:
Critical chance increased by 30%.
Available at experience level 4:
Should be chosen
Available at experience level 8:
Should be chosen

Equipment upon purchase
Plasma Gun 17
Active modules
Ship modifiers

Special module Should be chosen

Cost of manufacturing 8990000
Cost of refitting 1000000

* All specifications are shown for the ship with the maximum level of experience (10) without equipment

General information

Faction: Federation
Class: Interceptor
Role: Covert Ops
Rank: 17


This is a highly customisable ship obtained through crafting.
Craft ships are made from parts that can be assembled in the workshop. When creating a ship, you can configure the number of slots for each type of modifier (engine, capacitor, shield, hull, computer; maximum slots of one type are 3). Total distribution slots — 9.

This ship has pre-installed modifier slots: 2 engines, 3 capacitors, 1 shield, 1 hull and 2 cpu.

Covert Ops ships are designed for sudden hit and run attacks on individual enemy ships. A special plasma web allows these ships to cause damage to the enemy without any direct contact.

After the collapse of the Empire, the fragments of its military-industrial complex were scattered over different corners of space. Something was destroyed, according to the emergency protocols, other things fell into the hands of the new factions. When the Republic of Separate Worlds appeared on the star map, few believed that these rebels could achieve even a grain of greatness of the old Empire, because there were no significant industries on their territory. In many respects, thanks to this, the RSW retained its independence. But laboratories, shipyards and assembly shops have never been the heart of Imperial power. Its beating burning heart was the people — scientists and lab technicians, engineers and designers. The RSW has many bright minds. Thanks to the financial protection of several investment funds, they managed not only to restore most of the old projects, but also to start several new ones. Their first brainchild was the Spike interceptor.

Unique ship equipment


Doppler Laser

When flying at afterburner speed, weapon damage increases by up to 25% depending on travel time.

Active module

Energy-burning mine

Places a mine that burns the energy of enemies in range and then explodes dealing EM damage for each point of energy burned.

Engine modifier

Maneuver co-processor

Passive mode improves maneuverability of the ship. With activation of a special or an active module, the bonus to maneuverability sharply increases. You can only mount one module per ship.


Special module

You must select one of the following special modules. If there is one special module, you won't have to choose.

Description Energy consumption  Recharge
Launches a plasma web dealing thermal damage over a period of 12 seconds. The range of action is 2000 m. If the target’s speed is higher than 50%, the target receives additional thermal damage. The amount of damage depends on the level of the main weapon installed on the ship. 55 en. 40 s.
Launches a plasma web that causes thermal damage. Accumulates charge for every destroyed enemy in a radius up to 3 times. Each accumulated charge increases the damage of the special module by 25%. The amount of damage depends on the level of the main weapon installed on the ship. 55 en. 40 s.


You must select one bonus for each level. If there is one bonus on a level, you won't have to choose.

Strafe speed increased by 30%.
Maximum speed increased by 10%.
Energy consumption of "Covert Ops modules" reduced by 25%.
Critical damage increased by 20%.

Available equipment

Plasma Gun 17 Pulse Laser 17 Pirate Pulse Laser 17 Shrapnel Cannon 17 Pirate Shrapnel Cannon 17 RF Blaster 17 / Pirate RF Blaster 17 Phase Suppressor 17 / Pirate phase suppressor 17

Missile slot

Active Role Modules

Active Multipurpose Modules

Ship modifiers





Tables of ship's technical characteristics

Ship's resistance to incoming damage

Shield resistance Hull resistance
to thermal weapon, (pts.) to kinetic weapon, (pts.) to EM weapon, (pts.) to thermal weapon, (pts.) to kinetic weapon, (pts.) to EM weapon, (pts.)
0 30 -30 15 -15 45

Ship's characteristics on different experience levels

Level Energy Hull, (pts.) Shield Sensors
capacity, (pts.) for afterburner, (pts./s) regeneration, (pts./s) capacity, (pts.) regeneration, (pts./s) range, (m) target lock time, (s)
1 365 74 71 3185 3355 108 3000 2
2 365 74 71 3472 3657 108 3000 2
3 365 74 71 3599 3791 108 3300 2
4 376 74 73 3599 3791 108 3300 2
5 391 74 76 3695 3892 108 3600 2
6 402 74 78 3758 3959 108 3600 2
7 402 74 78 3822 3992 108 3900 2
8 402 74 78 3822 3992 108 4200 2
9 412 74 80 3854 4026 108 4200 2
10 427 74 83 3854 4060 108 4500 2

Ship's speed on different experience levels

Level Speed Acceleration, (m/s2) Strafe, (m/s) Pitch, (deg./s) Roll, (deg./s)
march, (m/s) afterburner, (m/s)
1 384 460 177 114 127 97
2 384 460 177 114 127 97
3 386 464 182 114 127 97
4 386 464 182 114 127 97
5 386 464 182 114 127 97
6 389 466 186 114 127 97
7 391 469 191 114 127 97
8 394 473 196 114 127 97
9 396 475 201 114 127 97
10 396 475 201 114 127 97

Player Builds

Ship model