Cor Vulnus

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Cor Vulnus
Accumulates 5% free experience

The maximum experience level — 10

Survivability* 11327
Hull 6667
Shield 4035
Energy 363
Speed 346

Available from the beginning:
Beacon capture speed increased by 20%.
Main weapon damage increased by 7%.
Maximum speed increased by 5%.
Available at experience level 2:
Time to weapon heating increased by 33.3%.
Available at experience level 4:
Should be chosen
Available at experience level 8:
Should be chosen

Equipment upon purchase
Plasma Gun 17
Active modules
Ship modifiers

Special module Should be chosen

Cost of manufacturing 10000000
Cost of refitting 1000000

* All specifications are shown for the ship with the maximum level of experience (10) without equipment

General information

Faction: Empire
Class: Interceptor
Role: ECM
Rank: 16


This is a highly customisable ship obtained through crafting.
Craft ships are made from parts that can be assembled in the workshop. When creating a ship, you can configure the number of slots for each type of modifier (engine, capacitor, shield, hull, computer; maximum slots of one type are 3). Total distribution slots — 9.

This ship has pre-installed modifier slots: 2 engines, 1 capacitor, 1 shield, 3 hulls and 2 cpus.

ECM ships are meant to interfere with the normal operation of enemy ships. An ECM ship is always an important target for any enemy ships, so they have better defences.

At the very beginning of the Invasion, Robert Sanderson worked in one of the Empire’s numerous shipyards as a lead engineer. In his spare time he was designing a small rescue ship to build a single copy to give to his wife Valentina Vega, a doctor on the “Drake” with the personal name “Alexander von Werner”.

In 4615, “Alexander von Werner” arrived to conduct a human evacuation of New Babylon, which was being infected by the biomorph virus. On the fifth day, New Babylon fell out of orbit and the Legion fleet declared its blockade. On the same day, an infestation of the Liu-virus broke out on the “Alexander”.

Thanks to the work of Valentina, it was possible to save 70% of the ship’s crew. The Legion evacuated healthy people and the doctor, but Valentina died of complications on the way home before she could send a letter to her husband. Robert took the death of his wife hard, but completing the project became a matter of principle for him. However, the Galaxy no longer needed purely civilian ships, so Sanderson developed weapons and electronic warfare systems for his brainchild, and he approached this task with all the persistence of a man creating Legion ships.

In 4622 Robert was able to assemble the ship’s prototype, naming it Cor Vulnus. The ship turned out to be unique and effective enough to get Gabriel Hugot’s attention. The aristocrat negotiated with Robert Sanderson and started production of the new interceptors at his shipyard. The UMC was able to negotiate the ability to purchase some of the manufactured ships. The queue for purchase is booked for months in advance, so mercenaries looking to acquire a “Cor Vulnus” in the near future should get the attention of Gabriel Hugot or Robert Sanderson.

Unique ship equipment


'Dead heart' laser

When hitting an enemy, it disables their energy regeneration, but doesn’t prevent them from replenishing energy from other sources.

Active module

Eternal moment

At a certain range, increases the recharge of enemy modules in the line of direct sight.


Special module

You must select one of the following special modules. If there is one special module, you won't have to choose.

Description Energy consumption  Recharge
Makes the ship invincible for 6 s. The ship can't move, use active modules, fire weapons or launch missiles. When the effect stops, paralyzes enemy ships in range for 2 s. 54 en. 60 s.
Receives 40 pts./sec. of energy for each enemy that has selected the ship as a target. When activated, the selected enemy will forcibly select the ship as their target for 10 sec., while their weapons will fire at the nearest ally. 120 en. 40 s.


You must select one bonus for each level. If there is one bonus on a level, you won't have to choose.

Rotation speed increased by 25%.
Strafe speed increased by 30%.
Maximum speed increased by 10%.
Effective range of "ECM modules" increased by 50%.
Duration of "ECM modules" increased by 20%.
Energy consumption of "ECM modules" reduced by 20%.

Available equipment

Plasma Gun 17 Pulse Laser 17 Pirate Pulse Laser 17 Shrapnel Cannon 17 Pirate Shrapnel Cannon 17 RF Blaster 17 / Pirate RF Blaster 17 Phase Suppressor 17 / Pirate phase suppressor 17 Kinetic Supercharger 17 / Pirate kinetic supercharger 17

Missile slot

Active Role Modules

Active Multipurpose Modules

Ship modifiers





Tables of ship's technical characteristics

Ship's resistance to incoming damage

Shield resistance Hull resistance
to thermal weapon, (pts.) to kinetic weapon, (pts.) to EM weapon, (pts.) to thermal weapon, (pts.) to kinetic weapon, (pts.) to EM weapon, (pts.)
0 30 -30 15 -15 45

Ship's characteristics on different experience levels

Level Energy Hull, (pts.) Shield Sensors
capacity, (pts.) for afterburner, (pts./s) regeneration, (pts./s) capacity, (pts.) regeneration, (pts./s) range, (m) target lock time, (s)
1 310 90 60 5510 3335 106 3000 1
2 310 90 60 6006 3635 106 3000 1
3 310 90 60 6226 3769 106 3300 1
4 319 90 62 6226 3769 106 3300 1
5 332 90 64 6392 3869 106 3600 1
6 341 90 66 6502 3935 106 3600 1
7 341 90 66 6612 3969 106 3900 1
8 341 90 66 6612 3969 106 4200 1
9 350 90 68 6667 4002 106 4200 1
10 363 90 70 6667 4035 106 4500 1

Ship's speed on different experience levels

Level Speed Acceleration, (m/s2) Strafe, (m/s) Pitch, (deg./s) Roll, (deg./s)
march, (m/s) afterburner, (m/s)
1 336 403 220 114 102 78
2 336 403 220 114 102 78
3 338 405 226 114 102 78
4 338 405 226 114 102 78
5 338 405 226 114 102 78
6 340 408 232 114 102 78
7 342 410 238 114 102 78
8 344 413 244 114 102 78
9 346 415 249 114 102 78
10 346 415 249 114 102 78

Player Builds

Interceptors Fighters Frigates Destroyers