Special module

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Special modules are such modules that the player must activate manually at his chosen point in time. After activation, the module works for some time. Switching off a module can occur manually or automatically, it depends on the mechanics of a particular module. A special module usually defines the role and unique features of a ship.
The main difference between a special role module and an active module is that the special module is rigidly attached to the ship and cannot be removed or replaced (except for some unique ships with cratable special modules).
Special modules (capacitors) of destroyers can be damaged, but they regenerate their strength over time (recovery rate = module durability / recovery time on destruction). If they are destroyed, they will deal damage to the hull (parameter damage on destruction) and will stop working until they are fully restored. Capacitor inherits resistances from the destroyer's hull. It is also a small object, meaning that only 15% of explosive damage is dealt for it.
By default special module is activated with F.


Microwarp engine
Accelerates the ship to a very high speed, by 2 s. Preparation the microwarp takes 1 s. A ship with this ability can move almost instantly across the battlefield up to 12000 m. away.

For Interceptor

Plasma web
Launches a plasma web dealing thermal dmg. over a period of 12 s. The range of action is 2000 m. If the target’s speed is higher than 50%, the target receives additional thermal dmg. The amount of damage depends on the level of the main weapon installed on the ship.

For Interceptor

Metastable Energy Field Generator
Makes the ship invincible for 6 s. The ship can't move, use active modules, fire weapons or launch missiles. When the effect stops, paralyzes enemy ships in range of 1500 m. for 2 s.

For Interceptor

Increases the rate of fire, energy regeneration, maximum speed, speed of strafe and rotation by 50% for 8 s.

For Fighter

ODG 'Chameleon'
Makes a player's ship invisible for 18 s. Any damage and opening fire bring him out of this state. When invisibility ends, provides a 20% damage boost for 5 s.

For Fighter

Diffusion Shield
Surrounds the ship with a shield for 15 s. The shield absorbs all damage, but spends energy. If energy is depleted, the shield disappears.

For Fighter

Sniper gun, which additionally deals thermal damage to frigates and to destroyers. Damage depends on the level of the main weapon installed on the ship.

For Empire Frigate

Combat Drones
Every 31.5 s. produces drones, no more than 2 at a time. The drone attacks the enemy at a distance of up to 1950 m. Spends energy on one activation (repairing or self-destructing a drone). If the player’s shield supply is less than 50%, then the drone, instead of firing, will restore the shield to it. When the module is activated, one of the drones restores the shield to the allied ships within a radius of 1000 m. and turns off.

For Frigate

Phase shield
Increases shield resistance to selected damage by 120 pts. When a shield absorbs damage of the corresponding type, it increases the damage of the guns by 15% for 5 s. When activated, it gives a 35% speed bonus for 15 s. The acceleration bonus is reset if the frigate opens fire or activates modules.

For Frigate

Guided torpedo
Launches a guided missile, causing thermal damage during an explosion. The explosion leaves a radioactive cloud dealing damage to all targets in a radius of 270 m. for a period of 10 s. and additional damage to destroyers.

For Jericho Frigate

Special modules for destroyers

The main special modules for manufactured destroyers

Empire Energy router Empire Energy router
Reroutes energy flow in ship systems. Allows to select between max speed and maneuverability by 20%, weapon damage by 20% or restoring of 250 pts. shield volume per second.
Federation Energy router Federation Energy router
Reroutes energy flow in ship systems. Allows to select between max speed and maneuverability by 30%, weapon damage by 12% or restoring of 250 pts. shield volume per second.
Jericho Energy router Jericho Energy router
Reroutes energy flow in ship systems. Allows to select between max speed and maneuverability by 20%, weapon damage by 12% or restoring of 400 pts. shield volume per second.
Spatial stabilizer
Upon activation ship is fixing its position for 2 s. Weapon damage is increased by 55% and range is increased by 10%. For 14 and 17 rank destroyers.

Special modules for Ellydium ships

Special modules for ships based on alien technologies.

Thar'Ga :
Crystal hunger
Temporarily increases rate of fire, energy regeneration, and maximum energy recovery speed by 50%. If a ship is destroyed in a certain radius, the host's hull is repaired.
A unique feature of this evolution form are 3 combat drones, produced from the crystalline part of the hull when activated. On manual deactivation of the module, drones return and repair the ship's hull.
Combat reconstructor
Upon module activation all enemies in a certain radius receive damage. 110% of the damage inflicted during the module's operation are used for hull recovery.
Condensing crystals
A distinctive feature of this form is a crystal charge, dealing damage to enemies. At the end of their path crystals assemble into a capsule that restores hull if it is picked up. In addition, activation of the module increases the ship's speed.
Crystal predator
Launches a missile with crystal bots, capable of dealing damage to the target. If the target dies before the end of the effect, the bots return to the ship and restore hull.
Tai'Kin :
When using the special module, the ship teleports a certain distanceforward in a fraction of a second, which allows the pilot to quickly move around the battlefield and suddenly find himself behind the enemy's back. All nearby allied ships along the jump's course get a speed bonus.
Return crystal
A unique special module that allows the pilot to use unusual tactics in combat. A crystal acting as a warp-beacon is separated from the ship. When reactivated, the ship with the surrounding area of space and even with enemy ships that fall into this area, moves to the beacon. The beacon is vulnerable to ramming. Damage to the ship from the activation is restored.
Jump crystals
Uses energy of special crystals' collapse for teleportation. The pilot can make up to four quick jumps in a row. A cloud is left in the start zone every time, dealing damage. Such unexpected maneuvers allow you to quickly lose a stronger opponent in battle. Jumping crystals are restored after a short time.
Quantum leap
The special module changes the space-time continuum. When the module is activated, the ship returns to that position in the space where it was some time ago. At the same time the state of the ship is brought to the point of time, in which it returned. Effects applied after the return point are cancelled. If the return spot is occupied, the ship only has a couple of seconds to retreat or it's destroyed.
Jump drive
The module is the quintessence of all the unique developments of ‘Ellydium’. When the module is activated, the ship jumps five kilometers forward. An active zone is left the ship's wake, dealing damage to enemies. The jump point produces a growing cloud, dealing damage to enemy ships.
Waz'Got :
Scavenger drones
Picking up wreckages of destroyed ships, the engineer produces drones, attacking the enemy and repairing the ship. When activated, one of the drones rushes to its target. With the blast, the missile damages the enemies and restores hulls of nearby allies.
Alien satellites
Picking up wreckages of destroyed ships, the engineer produces drones, attacking the enemy and repairing the ship. When activated, sends one of its drones to the selected ally.
Green mist
When the catalyst is used, all allies within active range become transparent for projectiles, missiles, laser beams, and explosions for 2.5 seconds.
Autonomous drones
Launches a pod with an autonomous drone, capable of working both in space and on ship surfaces. Turret deals more damage, fires faster, is stronger and exists longer.
Repair drone operator
Launches drones accompanying the ship. When activated, the drone is sent to the selected point and transformed into a repair kit. Allies can pick it up to restore their own hull and hulls of nearby allies and get a bonus to damage resistance.
Ze'Ta :
Crystalline swarm
Launches a crystalline swarm, which operates in several modes:
  • Defence mode (hull resistance increases, the swarm attacks nearby enemies);
  • Protection mode (a swarm forms a shield and guards the ship against damage);
  • Turret mode (the swarm forms a turret that attacks the target you lock, additionally increases the speed of the ship).

When an enemy swarm is destroyed, the ship’s resistance to damage is increased.

Balanced swarm
Launches a crystalline swarm, which operates in several modes:
  • Defence mode (the swarm surrounds the destroyer and boosts its damage resistance and hull regeneration);
  • Attack mode (the swarm pursues a target captured by the destroyer and deals damage to it, additinally increases speed and maneuverability);
  • Hunt mode (the swarm scatters into several groups that attack nearby enemies, additinally increases speed and maneuverability).

When the enemy destroys the swarm, the ship’s resistance to damage increases.

Fast swarm
Launches a crystalline swarm, which operates in several modes:
  • Boost mode (the swarm accelerates the destroyer; resistance to hull and shield damage increases);
  • Projectile mode (the swarm flies in the direction of the sight and when it hits or is activated again, it goes into cloud mode, kinetic damage is dealt on impact);
  • Cloud mode (the swarm freezes in place and increases in size; opponents caught in it are slowing down and cannot teleport and use micro warp, the range of their radar is reduced; allies inside the cloud have reduced radar signatures; the destroyer's turn speed increases, as well as hull and shield resistance to damage).

When the enemy destroys the swarm, the ship’s resistance to damage increases.

Yith'Mor :
Crystal reflex
Absorbs all damage but consumes energy; all absorbed damage is returned to all enemies around the ship.
Alien algorithm
Special module with three modes. Maximum efficiency depends on the number of allies nearby: increases the damage of the main weapon for each nearby ally, increases the shield and hull resistance for each nearby ally, speeds up the cooldown of all modules for each nearby ally.
Crystal beacon
Applies a shield on your ship and sends a beacon towards the enemy. If the beacon reaches a target, all weapons of the ship automatically lock on to this target.

Special modules for craft ships

Alternative variants for special modules for manufactured ships.

Legion microwarp engine
Can be selected for Cyning.
Wardens microwarp engine
Can be selected for Cyning.
Legion Ship Overdrive
Can be selected for Mjolnir.
Wardens' Ship Overdrive
Can be selected for Mjolnir.
Legion's disintegrator
Can be selected for Kraken.
Wardens' disintegrator
Can be selected for Kraken.
Armada Plasma Web
Can be selected for Peregrine.
Vanguard Plasma Web
Can be selected for Peregrine.
Armada's ODG 'Chameleon'
Can be selected for Jaguar.
Vanguard's ODG 'Chameleon'
Can be selected for Jaguar.
Armada combat drones
Can be selected for Octopus.
Vanguard combat drones
Can be selected for Octopus.
Raid Metastable Energy Field Generator
Can be selected for Caltrop.
Techs Metastable Energy Field Generator
Can be selected for Caltrop.
Raid Diffusion Shield
Can be selected for Saw One.
Tech Diffusion Shield
Can be selected for Saw One.
Raid phase shield
Can be selected for Ronin.
Techs phase shield
Can be selected for Ronin.
'Attila' Targeting Complex
Can be selected for Sirius.
Can be selected for Tyrant.
Beam destructor
Can be selected for Vigilant.
Frontal shield
Can be selected for Dart.
Synergetic disintegrator
Can be selected for Gargoyle.
Adaptive resonator
Can be selected for Granite.
Can be selected for Wolfhound.
Long descent
Can be selected for Singularity.
Guided hologram
Can be selected for Dyrnwyn.
Remote disintegrator
Can be selected for Project 1011.
Plasma shackles
Can be selected for Spike.
Virus attack
Can be selected for Zhen.
Emergency landing
Can be selected for Pilgrim.
Protective barrier 1.0
Can be selected for Custodian.
Wormhole stabilizer
Can be selected for Marten.
Autonomous battle station
Can be selected for Hammerhead.
Triple algorithm
Can be selected for Scylla.
Artillery beam disintegrator
Can be selected for Gungnir.
'Shelter' shield
Can be selected for Raven.
Reflective shield
Can be selected for Relic.
Repair drones
Can be selected for Mole.
Landing platforms
Can be selected for Emperor.
Guided torpedo Storm-D
Can be selected for Protazan.
Combat regroup system
Can be selected for Albireo.
Mass defence system
Can be selected for Kirishima.
Discharge plasma web
Can be selected for Kusarigama.
ODG 'Tarantula'
Can be selected for Irbis.
Weapon overcharge
Can be selected for Typhon.
Adaptive restoration system
Can be selected for Confessor.
'Quantum throw' accelerator
Can be selected for Seeress.
ODG 'Planar shift'
Can be selected for Baphomet.
Frontal reflecting shield
Can be selected for Hadrian.
'Stranglehold' complex
Can be selected for Manul.
Blind love
Can be selected for Cor Vulnus.
'Anka' system
Can be selected for Bark-2.
'ELM-50' generator
Can be selected for Shrike.
'Ice dart' launcher
Can be selected for Pilum.

Unique special modules

These special modules are unique for some ships.

Overdrive type 'Sting'
Unique for Stingray.
'Phoenix' Drones
Unique for Phoenix.
'Gremlin' Drones
Unique for Brokk.
'Provocateur' System
Unique for Archelon.
'Bastion' Shield
Unique for Reaper.
ODG 'Mantis'
Unique for Hyena.
'Styx' Combat drones
Unique for Styx.
'Sword'S' Diffusion shield
Unique for Sword S.
Phase Jump
Unique for Nightingale.
Weapon systems sabotage
Unique for Karud.
Unique for Spiral.
Booster shield
Unique for Endeavour.
Tactical shielding
Unique for Object NY18.
Cluster missile
Unique for Executor.
Defence program 'Wave'
Unique for Boremys.
Ghost rush
Unique for Black Ghost.
Plasma web 'Jellyfish'
Unique for Jellyfish.
System overcharge type 'Indra-T'
Unique for Veils.
Guided torpedo 'Needle-SM'
Unique for Langsax.
'Twin' protocol
Unique for Tornado.
SEF System Overdrive
Unique for Dainsleif.
Plasma web 'Wasp'
Unique for Pterosaur.
Involuntary treatment
Unique for Plague Doctor.
'Stasis' protocol
Unique for Polar Bear.
EM wave generator 'Faith'
Unique for Salyut-ST.
EM wave generator 'Hope'
Unique for Salyut-ST.
EM wave generator 'Love'
Unique for Salyut-ST.
Army of Hel
Unique for Naglfar.
Thor system overdrive
Unique for Thor.
No time to get fit
Unique for Papa Crab.
Unstable plasma web
Unique for Cutter.
Explosive drones
Unique for Thrasher.
ODG 'Rage'
Unique for Bear.
Unique for Nordstorm.
Microwarp engine 'Wasp'
Unique for Wasp.
Plasma web 'Nyx'
Unique for Nyx.
Microwarp engine 'Chameleon'
Unique for Sai.
Phase shield 'Iron IV'
Unique for Palom.
Metastable field generator 'Grim'
Unique for Grim.
Rapid-fire disintegrator
Unique for Helicon.
Guided torpedo 'Destroyer'
Unique for Mauler.
'Kongmíng' control system
Unique for Salamander.
'Loki' diffusion shield
Unique for Loki.